Access to DIN spaces
Access to the various university areas and spaces is regulated for the following purposes:
- ensure the safety and security of university staff, students and visitors while on university property;
- safeguard the assets and properties of the DIN;
- prevent the occurrence of malicious events, and more generally reduce the risks arising from the presence of unauthorized persons within university areas and spaces.
The procedure for accessing the properties applies to all personnel and users.
Access is allowed in accordance with published procedures and is subject to training and information on workplace safety, in accordance with the provisions of Italian Legislative Decree 81/08, as well as taking note of the following documents:
- Regulation of Access to the Department;
- "Safety Information" document, with the "Health and Safety" organization chart, the rules of conduct and the summary of the emergency plans of the buildings hosting DIN activities.
Rules for accessing DIN spaces and safety information
[ .pdf 182.91 KB ]
[ .pdf 148.58 KB ]
Bertalia District - Access Procedure out of the official opening hours for the public
[ .pdf 339.89 KB ]
This document is available only in Italian, because "out of time" access to buildings in the Bertalia District is allowed only to permanent staff of the University of Bologna.
University of Bologna personnel and service staff
When not automatically implemented, badge enabling is authorized without any formal request for:
- DIN structured personnel;
- ASB personnel;
- CESIA personnel;
- University of Bologna “Libraries and Study Services Division – ABIS” personnel;
- cleaning and maintenance staff and the like, with proof of information from the service contractor.
In this cases an e-mail must be sent to, indicating the accesses required and specifying the work needs.
Personnel accessing DIN spaces must read “Safety Information” summary with the “Health and Safety” organization chart of the DIN, the rules of conduct and the emergency procedures of DIN spaces.
Students of the University of Bologna
In the case of UNIBO students, attending DIN laboratories for lectures and/or exercises related to a degree programme, only general information on safety is required, specifically regarding the Emergency and Evacuation Plan of the Laboratory where the exercise is carried out. The information must be provided by the teacher or a technician involved in the exercise or by the on-site safety reference person, taking care to record the students' acknowledgement on the Temporary Access Form (“Form 0”).
Visitor access
Temporary Access Form - "Form 0"
[ .docx 691.05 KB ]
Temporary Access Form - "Form 0"
[ .pdf 82.05 KB ]
UNIBO students and trainees and DIN unstructured staff (PhD students, research fellows, scholarship students, project workers).
The responsible for the activity or directly the user, with his/her responsible in carbon-copy (CC) who will then confirm the user's request, must download the following forms, fill them in and submit them to .
From the 2nd year onwards, DIN PhD students can have their authorisation renewed simply by submitting an email request to, taking care to cc the teacher, without filling in any forms.
Access Communication - "Form 1A"
[ .docx 693.89 KB ]
Access Communication - "Form 1A"
[ .pdf 124.64 KB ]
Declaration of acknowledgement
Acknowledgement Declaration - "Form 2A"
[ .docx 693.14 KB ]
Acknowledgement Declaration - "Form 2A"
[ .pdf 84.85 KB ]
Personal Protective Equipment and Work Procedures
[ .docx 692.18 KB ]
[ .pdf 105.16 KB ]
Communication to the Department Physician
Activity Communication - Schedule 4
[ .doc 89.5 KB ]
This form must be compiled only if the activities cause the exposure to specific risks. The form is available only in Italian at the moment.
Activity Communication - Schedule 4
[ .pdf 228.64 KB ]
This form must be compiled only if the activities cause the exposure to specific risks. The form is available only in Italian at the moment.
External personnel
Access authorization must be required in the case of external personnel who for a period of time work at DIN.
As stated by the "DIN Access Regulation", following people are considered "external":
- University of Bologna structured and unstructured staff, with a relationship and/or a contract with University of Bologna structures other than DIN;
- visiting professors and students;
- personnel and students from other universities or external companies;
- experts in the field;
- former PhD students, former research fellows, former scholarship students;
- retired Department members, technicians or administrative staff members.
The responsible for the activity or directly the user, with his/her responsible in carbon-copy (CC) who will then confirm the user's request, must download the following forms, fill them in and submit them to , taking care to CC the Director of the DIN.
[ .docx 695.06 KB ]
[ .pdf 127.27 KB ]
Declaration of acknowledgement
Acknowledgement Declaration - "Form 2A"
[ .docx 693.14 KB ]
Acknowledgement Declaration - "Form 2A"
[ .pdf 84.85 KB ]
Personal Protective Equipment and Work Procedures
[ .docx 692.18 KB ]
[ .pdf 105.16 KB ]
Badge Request for Accredited Fellows and Collaborators
[ .doc 63 KB ]
[ .pdf 140.06 KB ]
Form 2B is in Italian because it must be compiled by the responsible of the activity.
Note that in all the cases described above, without exception, access to the DIN property requires adequate insurance cover and the fulfilment of all training obligations under Italian Legislative Decree 81/2008.
In the case of people from outside the university (e.g. new graduates, scholarship students from external organisations, external contractors, etc.) who attend DIN facilities in the absence of a formalised relationship for study/development purposes in their own interest, insurance cover must be activated. By indicating the insurance cover on "Form 1B", the applicant will be contacted by the DIN administration for the completion of the procedure.
In order to obtain the UniBO RFID Badge, “Form 2B” must be completed by the responsible for the activity and sent to, following then the instructions received.
Occasional external guests
No particular formalities are required in this case, apart from general information on safety, in particular on the Emergency and Evacuation Plan of the area where the guest is located, which is the responsibility of the host staff, taking care to record the guest acknowledgement on the "Temporary Access Form" ("Form 0").
Visitor Access
Temporary Access Form - "Form 0"
[ .docx 691.05 KB ]
Temporary Access Form - "Form 0"
[ .pdf 82.05 KB ]
External contractors
A “Coordination Report” or a specific assessment of the risks derived from the interferences (DUVRI), will be requested, depending on the complexity of the activity carried out.
The Responsible of the Laboratory or the on-site safety reference person must be contacted, in order to write required documents.