Scientific publications
Viceconti, M.; Hunter, P.; Hose, R., Big Data, Big Knowledge: Big Data for Personalized Healthcare, «IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS», 2015, 19, pp. 1209 - 1215 [Scientific article]
Dall'Ara, E.; Grabowski, P.; Zioupos, P.; Viceconti, M., Estimation of local anisotropy of plexiform bone: Comparison between depth sensing micro-indentation and Reference Point Indentation, «JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS», 2015, 48, pp. 4073 - 4080 [Scientific article]
Martelli, S.; Valente, G.; Viceconti, M.; Taddei, F., Sensitivity of a subject-specific musculoskeletal model to the uncertainties on the joint axes location, «COMPUTER METHODS IN BIOMECHANICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING», 2015, 18, pp. 1555 - 1563 [Scientific article]
Martelli, S.; Calvetti, D.; Somersalo, E.; Viceconti, M., Stochastic modelling of muscle recruitment during activity, «INTERFACE FOCUS», 2015, 5, pp. 20140094 - 20140100 [Scientific article]
Ascani, D.; Mazza, C.; De Lollis, A.; Bernardoni, M.; Viceconti, M., A procedure to estimate the origins and the insertions of the knee ligaments from computed tomography images, «JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS», 2015, 48, pp. 233 - 237 [Scientific article]
S. Bilbao ; O. Thomas ; C. Touzé ; M. Ducceschi, Conservative Numerical Methods for the Full von Kármán System, «NUMERICAL METHODS FOR PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS», 2015, 31, pp. 1948 - 1970 [Scientific article]
Ducceschi M.; Touze C., Modal approach for nonlinear vibrations of damped impacted plates: Application to sound synthesis of gongs and cymbals, «JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION», 2015, 344, pp. 313 - 331 [Scientific article]
Ducceschi, M; Touze, C, SIMULATIONS OF NONLINEAR PLATE DYNAMICS: AN ACCURATE AND EFFICIENT MODAL ALGORITHM, in: Proceedings of the 18th Conference of Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-15), O S BRAGSTADS PLASS 2E, 7491 TRONDHEIM, NORWAY, NORWEGIAN UNIV SCI TECHNOL, 2015, pp. 395 - 402 (atti di: 18th Conference of Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-15), Trondheim, Norway, Dec 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Ducceschi, M. ; Touzé, C., Role of modal approach for sound synthesis of nonlinear systems: the case of plates, in: Proceedings of the Third Vienna Talk on Music Acoustics, 2015, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: Third Vienna Talk on Music Acoustics, Vienna, Austria, Sep 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Boisson J.; Rouby C.; Lee J.; Doare O.; M. Ducceschi ; L. Bodelot, Dynamics of a chain of permanent magnets, in: Proceedings of the European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC2015), 6 RUE DES FRERES LUMIERE, MULHOUSE, 68200, FRANCE, Institute of Physics Publishing, 2015, 109, pp. 34002 - 34006 (atti di: European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC2015), Madrid Spain, Jul 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Karimi N.Z.; Kianfar P.; Minak G., Delamination analysis of laminated composites in drilling and quasi-static penetration, in: ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials, International Committee on Composite Materials, 2015, 2015-, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM 2015, Copenhagen, 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Demchishin A.V.; Gnilitskyi I.; Orazi L.; Ascari A., Structure, phase composition and microhardness of vacuum-arc multilayered Ti/Al, Ti/Cu, Ti/Fe, Ti/Zr nano-structures with different periods, «APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE», 2015, 342, pp. 127 - 135 [Scientific article]
Rallabandi B.; Marin A.; Rossi M.; Kahler C.J.; Hilgenfeldt S., Three-dimensional streaming Flow in confined geometries, «JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS», 2015, 777, pp. 408 - 429 [Scientific article]
Segura R.; Rossi M.; Cierpka C.; Kahler C.J., Simultaneous three-dimensional temperature and velocity field measurements using astigmatic imaging of non-encapsulated thermo-liquid crystal (TLC) particles, «LAB ON A CHIP», 2015, 15, pp. 660 - 663 [Scientific article]
Barnkob R.; Kahler C.J.; Rossi M., General defocusing particle tracking, «LAB ON A CHIP», 2015, 15, pp. 3556 - 3560 [Scientific article]
Marin A.; Rossi M.; Rallabandi B.; Wang C.; Hilgenfeldt S.; Kahler C.J., Three-Dimensional Phenomena in Microbubble Acoustic Streaming, «PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED», 2015, 3, pp. 041001 - 041001 [Scientific article]
Volk A.; Rossi M.; Kahler C.J.; Hilgenfeldt S.; Marin A., Growth control of sessile microbubbles in PDMS devices, «LAB ON A CHIP», 2015, 15, pp. 4607 - 4613 [Scientific article]
PERUZZINI, MARGHERITA; Marilungo, Eugenia; Germani, Michele, Structured requirements elicitation for product-service system, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGILE SYSTEMS AND MANAGEMENT», 2015, 8, pp. 189 - 218 [Scientific article]
PERUZZINI, MARGHERITA; Germani, Michele, An Assistive Integrated Platform (AIP) for active ageing: the HicMO project, in: FORITAAL 2015 6° Forum Italiano dell'Ambient Assisted Living. Proceedings, 2015, pp. 184 - 185 (atti di: ForitAAL 2015 6° Forum Italiano dell'Ambient Assisted Living, Lecco, 19-22 May 2015) [Abstract]
PERUZZINI, MARGHERITA; Germani, Michele; Marilungo, Eugenia, Technical-business design methodology for PSS, in: Transdisciplinary Lifecycle Analysis of Systems. V. 2, Amsterdam, IOS Press, «ADVANCES IN TRANSDISCIPLINARY ENGINEERING», 2015, pp. 513 - 522 (atti di: 22nd ISPE Inc. International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, Delft, 20-23 July) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access