Scientific publications
Donnici, Giampiero; Frizziero, Leonardo; Francia, Daniela; Liverani, Alfredo; Caligiana, Gianni, Project of inventive ideas through a TRIZ study applied to the analysis of an innovative urban transport means, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING, MATERIALS, AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING», 2018, 8, pp. 1 - 24 [Scientific article]
J.F. Raymundo Junior, R. De Cesaro Oliveski , L.A.O. Rocha, C. Biserni, Numerical investigation on phase change materials (PCM): The melting process of erythritol in spheres under different thermal conditions, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES», 2018, 148, pp. 20 - 30 [Scientific article] Open Access
Meoni, Francesco; Carricato, Marco, Optimal selection of the motor-reducer unit in servo-controlled machinery: A continuous approach, «MECHATRONICS», 2018, 56, pp. 132 - 145 [Scientific article] Open Access
Martini, Alberto; Rivola, Alessandro; Troncossi, Marco, Autocorrelation Analysis of Vibro-Acoustic Signals Measured in a Test Field for Water Leak Detection, «APPLIED SCIENCES», 2018, 8, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article] Open Access
Morini, Gian Luca*; Vocale, Pamela; Spiga, Marco; Colin, Stéphane, Corrigendum to “Shear work contribution to convective heat transfer of dilute gases in slip flow regime” [Eur. J. Mech. B Fluids 64 (2017) 60–68] (S0997754616301248) (10.1016/j.euromechflu.2016.12.004)), «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS. B, FLUIDS», 2018, 72, pp. 467 - 470 [Comment or similar]
Annarita Ferrante, Anastasia Fotopoulou, Lorenzo Badini, Giorgia Predari, Giovanni Mochi, Giovanni Semprini, Riccardo Gulli, Margarita Assimakopoulos, Dimitra Papadaki, Efficienza Energetica, Sicurezza Sismica e Dimensione Sociale nelle Addizioni di Facciata, in: Fausto Cuboni, Giuseppe Desogus, Emanuela Quaquero, EDILIZIA CIRCOLARE, 2018, pp. 561 - 571 (atti di: Colloqui.AT.e 2018, Cagliari, 12-14 settembre 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
KB Smale, M Conconi, N Sancisi, T Alkjaer, MR Krogsgaard, V Parenti-Castelli, DL Benoit, Use of patient-specific musuloskeletal models to relate subjective and objective outcome scores of acl injured patients, in: Proceedings of CSB 2018, Halifax, 2018, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: Canadian Society for Biomechanics Congress (CSB) 2018, Halifax, Canada, 14-17 Agosto 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Kirsti Jylhä, Achim Drebs, Antti Mäkelä, Carl Fortelius, Väinö Nurmi, Athanasios Votsis, Leena Maidell-Münster, Santa Stibe, Anja Maerz, Lucy Barrett, Silvana Di Sabatino, Francesco Barbano, Alessio Francesco Brunetti, Beatrice Pulvirenti, Prashant Kumar, Francesco Pilla, Assessing Environmental Impacts and Socioeconomic Benefits of Green Infrastructure: The Vantaa iSCAPE Case Study, in: 98th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, AMS, 2018, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: 98th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Austin, 07/01/2018 - 11/01/2018) [Abstract]
Conconi, Michele; Sancisi, Nicola; Parenti-Castelli, Vincenzo, Subject-specific model of knee natural motion: a non-invasive approach, in: Advances in Robot Kinematics 2016, Cham, Springer, 2018, pp. 255 - 264 (SPRINGER PROCEEDINGS IN ADVANCED ROBOTICS) [Chapter or essay]
Barletta, Antonio; Manca, Oronzio; Nardini, Sergio; Naso, Vincenzo; Simon, Terrance W., Selected Papers from the ASME-ATI-UIT 2015 Conference on Thermal Energy Systems: Production, Storage, Utilization, and the Environment, «HEAT TRANSFER ENGINEERING», 2018, 39, pp. 195 - 197 [Scientific article]
Francia, D; Caligiana, G.; Liverani, A.; Frizziero, L.; Donnici, G., PrinterCAD: a QFD and TRIZ integrated design solution for large size open moulding manufacturing, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON INTERACTIVE DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING», 2018, 12, pp. 81 - 94 [Scientific article]
Irene Sintini; Nicola Sancisi; Vincenzo Parenti-Castelli, Comparison between anatomical and approximate surfaces in a 3D kinetostatic model of the knee for the study of the unloaded and loaded joint motion, «MECCANICA», 2018, 53, pp. 7 - 20 [Scientific article]
Zanarini, Alessandro, Broad frequency band full field measurements for advanced applications: Point-wise comparisons between optical technologies, «MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING», 2018, 98, pp. 968 - 999 [Scientific article]
Wu, Yuanqing; Müller, Andreas; Carricato, Marco, The 2D Orientation Interpolation Problem: A Symmetric Space Approach, in: Advances in Robot Kinematics 2016, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, pp. 293 - 302 [Chapter or essay]
Berti, Alessandro; Gouttefarde, Marc; Carricato, Marco, Dynamic Recovery of Cable-Suspended Parallel Robots After a Cable Failure, in: Advances in Robot Kinematics 2016, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, pp. 331 - 339 [Chapter or essay]
Wu, Yuanqing; Carricato, Marco, Optimal design of N-UU parallel mechanisms, in: Computational Kinematics, Proceedings of the 7th Int. Workshop on Computational Kinematics (CK 2017), Cham, Springer, 2018, pp. 394 - 402 (MECHANISMS AND MACHINE SCIENCE) [Chapter or essay]
Selig, J.M; Wu, Yuanqing; Carricato, Marco, Motion interpolation in Lie subgroups and symmetric subspaces, in: Computational Kinematics, Proceedings of the 7th Int. Workshop on Computational Kinematics (CK2017), Cham, Springer, 2018, pp. 467 - 474 (MECHANISMS AND MACHINE SCIENCE) [Chapter or essay]
Mottola, Giovanni; Gosselin, Clément; Carricato, Marco, Dynamically-feasible elliptical trajectories for fully constrained 3-DOF cable-suspended parallel robots, in: Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, Proceedings of the 3rd Int. Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, Cham, Springer, 2018, pp. 219 - 230 (MECHANISMS AND MACHINE SCIENCE) [Chapter or essay]
Idà, Edoardo; Berti, Alessandro; Bruckmann, Tobias; Carricato, Marco, Rest-to-rest trajectory planning for planar underactuated cable-driven parallel robots, in: Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, Proceedings of the 3rd Int. Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, Cham, Springer, 2018, pp. 207 - 218 (MECHANISMS AND MACHINE SCIENCE) [Chapter or essay]
Wu, Yuanqing; Carricato, Marco, Design of a Novel 3-DoF Serial-Parallel Robotic Wrist: A Symmetric Space Approach, in: Robotics Research, Cham, Springer, 2018, pp. 389 - 404 (SPRINGER PROCEEDINGS IN ADVANCED ROBOTICS) [Chapter or essay]