Scientific publications
Barletta, A; Storesletten, L., Linear instability of the vertical throughflow in a horizontal porous layer saturated by a power-law fluid, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER», 2016, 99, pp. 293 - 302 [Scientific article]
Prinold, J. A.; Mazza, C.; Di Marco, R.; Hannah, I.; Malattia, C.; Magni-Manzoni, S.; Petrarca, M.; Ronchetti, A. B.; Tanturri de Horatio, L.; van Dijkhuizen, E. H.; Wesarg, S.; Viceconti, M.; Consortium, Md-Paedigree, A Patient-Specific Foot Model for the Estimate of Ankle Joint Forces in Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, «ANNALS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING», 2016, 44, pp. 247 - 257 [Scientific article]
Barletta, Antonio; Celli, Michele, Instability of Combined Forced and Free Flow in an Inclined Porous Channel, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS», 2016, 13, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]
Accorsi Riccardo; Cholette Susan; Manzini Riccardo; Pini Chiara; Penazzi Stefano, The land-network problem: Ecosystem carbon balance in planning sustainable agro-food supply chains, «JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION», 2016, 112, pp. 158 - 171 [Scientific article]
Sanchez, Richard; Previti, Alberto; Mostacci, Domiziano, New derivation of Blackshow–Murrays formula for the Doppler-broadened scattering kernel and calculation of the angular moments via Lagrange interpolation, «ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY», 2016, 87, pp. 113 - 125 [Scientific article]
Berti, A.; Merlet, J.-P.; Carricato, M., Solving the direct geometrico-static problem of underconstrained cable-driven parallel robots by interval analysis, «THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS RESEARCH», 2016, 35, pp. 723 - 739 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bianchini, Augusto; Gambuti, Michele; Pellegrini, Marco; Saccani, Cesare, Performance analysis and economic assessment of different photovoltaic technologies based on experimental measurements, «RENEWABLE ENERGY», 2016, 85, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]
Infantino, Angelo; Oehlke, Elisabeth; Mostacci, Domiziano; Schaffer, Paul; Trinczek, Michael; Hoehr, Cornelia, Assessment of the production of medical isotopes using the Monte Carlo code FLUKA: Simulations against experimental measurements, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION B, BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS», 2016, 366, pp. 117 - 123 [Scientific article]
Chiavari, C; Martini, C.; Montalbani, S.; Franzoni, E.; Bignozzi, M.C.; Passeri, M.C., The bronze panel (paliotto) of San Moisè in Venice: Materials and causes of deterioration, «MATERIALS AND CORROSION», 2016, 67, pp. 141 - 151 [Scientific article]
Forlani, Margherita; Sancisi, Nicola; Conconi, Michele; Parenti-Castelli, Vincenzo, A new test rig for static and dynamic evaluation of knee motion based on a cable-driven parallel manipulator loading system, «MECCANICA», 2016, 51, pp. 1571 - 1581 [Scientific article]
Manservisi, Sandro; Menghini, Filippo, Numerical simulations of optimal control problems for the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes system closed with a two-equation turbulence model, «COMPUTERS & FLUIDS», 2016, 125, pp. 130 - 143 [Scientific article]
Cascini, Alessandro; Gamberi, Mauro; Mora, Cristina; Rosano, Michele; Bortolini, Marco, Comparative Carbon Footprint Assessment of commercial walk-in refrigeration systems under different use configurations, «JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION», 2016, 112, pp. 3998 - 4011 [Scientific article]
Fragassa, C; Radovic, N; Pavlovic, A; Minak, G, Comparison of mechanical properties in compacted and spheroidal graphite irons, «TRIBOLOGY IN INDUSTRY», 2016, 38, pp. 49 - 59 [Scientific article] Open Access
Fragassa, C; Minak, G; Pavlovic, A, Tribological aspects of cast iron investigated via fracture toughness, «TRIBOLOGY IN INDUSTRY», 2016, 38, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article] Open Access
Fragassa, C; Pavlovic, A, Compacted and spheroidal graphite irons: experimental evaluation of Poisson’s ratio, «FME TRANSACTIONS», 2016, 44, pp. 327 - 332 [Scientific article]
Fragassa, C; Zigulic, R; Pavlovic, A, Push-pull fatigue test on ductile and vermicular cast irons, «ENGINEERING REVIEW - TECHNICAL FACULTY UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA», 2016, 36, pp. 268 - 280 [Scientific article]
Pavlovic, A; Fragassa, C, Analysis of flexible barriers used as safety protection in woodworking, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR QUALITY RESEARCH», 2016, 10, pp. 71 - 88 [Scientific article] Open Access
Zivkovic, I; Pavlovic, A; Fragassa, C, Improvements in wood thermoplastic composite materials properties by physical and chemical treatments, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR QUALITY RESEARCH», 2016, 10, pp. 205 - 218 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cinelli, Giorgia; Tositti, Laura; Mostacci, Domiziano; Baré, Jonathan, Calibration with MCNP of NaI detector for the determination of natural radioactivity levels in the field, «JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY», 2016, 155-156, pp. 31 - 37 [Scientific article]