Scientific publications
Bianchini, A; Guzzini, A; Pellegrini, M; Saccani, C, Photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) solar system: Experimental measurements, performance analysis and economic assessment, «RENEWABLE ENERGY», 2017, 111, pp. 543 - 555 [Scientific article]
Bianchini, Augusto; Tricase, Marco, From financial merchandise planning to supply chain design and execution, in: Business Models and ICT Technologies for the Fashion Supply Chain. Proceedings of IT4Fashion 2016, Berlin, Springer, «LECTURE NOTES IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING», 2017, 413, pp. 215 - 223 (atti di: IT4Fashion - Workshop on Business Models and ICT Technologies for the Fashion Supply Chain, Florence, April 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Abhijith, K.V.; Kumar, Prashant; Gallagher, John; Mcnabola, Aonghus; Baldauf, Richard; Pilla, Francesco; Broderick, Brian; Silvana Di Sabatino, ; Pulvirenti, Beatrice, Air pollution abatement performances of green infrastructure in open road and built-up street canyon environments – A review, «ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT», 2017, 162, pp. 71 - 86 [Scientific article] Open Access
Zarif Karimi, N.; Heidary, H.; Fotouhi, M.; Minak, G., Experimental analysis of GFRP laminates subjected to compression after drilling, «COMPOSITE STRUCTURES», 2017, 169, pp. 144 - 152 [Scientific article]
Santolini, E.; Benni, S.; Pulvirenti, B.; Torreggiani, D.; Tassinari, P., Numerical simulation of natural airflows in greenhouse: definition of optimized CFD models in a case study, in: 11th International AIIA Conference: July 5-8, 2017 Bari - Italy “Biosystems Engineering addressing the human challenges of the 21st century”, 2017, pp. 378 - 381 (atti di: Biosystems Engineering addressing the human challenges of the 21st century, Bari - Italy, July 5-8, 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Enrico Gianfranco, Campari; Bianchi, Michele; Tomesani, Luca, Boron as a storage medium for solar energy, «ENERGY PROCEDIA», 2017, 126, pp. 541 - 548 [Scientific article]
Battistoni, P.; Tarabelli, D.; Ferry, L.; Gonnier, C.; Manservisi, S.; Sumini, M., Thermal-hydraulic analysis of the LORELEI test design by means of CATHARE2 V2.5, «NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN», 2017, 322, pp. 397 - 411 [Scientific article]
F. Galleni, F. Strappaveccia, E. Ghedini, Mesoscopic and Continuum Models Linking for Nanoparticles Gas-Phase Synthesis Simulation, in: International symposium on plasma chemistry 23rd : 2017 ; Montreal, ISPC 23 Proceedings : book of extended abstracts, 2017, pp. 602 - 605 (atti di: 23rd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Montreal (Canada), 30/07/2017- 04/08/2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Tositti, Laura; Giorgia, Cinelli; Brattich, Erika; Antonio, Galgaro; Mostacci, Domiziano; Claudio, Mazzol; Matteo, Massironi; Raffaele, Sassi, ASSESSMENT OF LITHOGENIC RADIOACTIVITY IN THE EUGANEAN HILLS MAGMATIC DISTRICT (NE ITALY), «JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY», 2017, 166P2, pp. 259 - 269 [Scientific article]
Caligiana, Gianni; Francia, Daniela; Liverani, Alfredo, CAD-CAM integration for 3D Hybrid Manufacturing, in: Eynard, B., Nigrelli, V., Oliveri, S.M., Peris-Fajarnes G., Rizzuti, S., Advences on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing, Cham, Switzerland, Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 329 - 337 (LECTURE NOTES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING) [Chapter or essay]
Albini, Monica; Chiavari, Cristina; Bernardi, Elena; Martini, Carla; Mathys, Lidia; Joseph, Edith, Evaluation of the performances of a biological treatment on tin-enriched bronze, «ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL», 2017, 24, pp. 2150 - 2159 [Scientific article]
Augusto Bianchini; Filippo Donini; Marco Pellegrini; Cesare Saccani, An innovative methodology for measuring the effective implementation of an Occupational Health and Safety Management System in the European Union, «SAFETY SCIENCE», 2017, 92, pp. 26 - 33 [Scientific article]
Ziad, Ayyad; Enrico, Valli; Alessandra, Bendini; Riccardo, Accorsi; Riccardo, Manzini; Marco, Bortolini; Mauro, Gamberi; Tullia Gallina, Toschi, Simulating international shipments of vegetable oils: focus on quality changes, «ITALIAN JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE», 2017, 29, pp. 38 - 49 [Scientific article] Open Access
Boselli, Marco; Chiavari, Cristina; Colombo, Vittorio; Gherardi, Matteo; Martini, Carla; Rotundo, Fabio, Atmospheric pressure non-equilibrium plasma cleaning of 19th century daguerreotypes, «PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS», 2017, 14, pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]
Bortolini, Marco; Faccio, Maurizio; Ferrari, Emilio; Gamberi, Mauro; Pilati, Francesco, Time and energy optimal unit-load assignment for automatic S/R warehouses, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS», 2017, 190, pp. 133 - 145 [Scientific article]
Penazzi, Stefano; Accorsi, Riccardo; Ferrari, Emilio; Manzini, Riccardo; Dunstall, Simon, Design and control of food job-shop processing systems: A simulation analysis in the catering industry, «THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT», 2017, 28, pp. 782 - 797 [Scientific article]
Riccardo, Accorsi; Riccardo, Manzini; Chiara, Pini, How Logistics Decisions Affect the Environmental Sustainability of Modern Food Supply Chains. A Case Study from an Italian large‐scale retailer, in: Rajeev Bhat, Sustainability Challenges in the Agrofood Sector, Chichester, West Sussex, Edited by Rajeev Bhat. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2017 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017, pp. 179 - 200 [Chapter or essay]
DE CRESCENZIO, Francesca; Lucchi, Francesca, Design for Additive Manufacturing of a non-assembly robotic mechanism, in: Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer International Publishing, «LECTURE NOTES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING», 2017, pp. 251 - 259 (atti di: International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing (JCM 2016), Catania, Italy, 14-16 September, 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Fantini, M.; Curto, M.; DE CRESCENZIO, Francesca, TPMS for interactive modelling of trabecular scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering, in: Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer International Publishing, «LECTURE NOTES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING», 2017, pp. 425 - 435 (atti di: International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing (JCM 2016), Catania, Italy, 14-16 September, 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Fantini, M.; DE CRESCENZIO, Francesca; Brognara, Lorenzo; Baldini, Nicola, Design and Rapid Manufacturing of a customized foot orthosis: a first methodological study, in: Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer International Publishing, «LECTURE NOTES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING», 2017, pp. 457 - 467 (atti di: International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing (JCM 2016), Catania, Italy, 14-16 September, 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]