Scientific publications
Brusiani, Federico; Falfari, Stefania; Forte, Claudio; Cazzoli, Giulio; Verziagi, P.; Ferrari, M.; Catanese, D., Definition of a CFD methodology to evaluate the cylinder temperature distribution in two-stroke air cooled engines, «ENERGY PROCEDIA», 2015, 81, pp. 765 - 774 [Scientific article]
Falfari, Stefania; Forte, Claudio; Bianchi, Gian Marco; Cazzoli, Giulio; Catellani, Cristian; Postrioti, L.; Ottobre, F., Analysis of the mixture formation at partial load operating condition: The effect of the throttle valve rotational direction, in: SAE Technical Papers, SAE International, 2015, 2015-September, pp. 1 - 17 (atti di: International Conference on Engines and Vehicles, ICE 2015, Capri, NA; Italy, 13 September 2015 through 17 September 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Corti, Enrico; Forte, Claudio; Bianchi, Gian Marco; Moro, Davide, Relating Knocking Combustions Effects to Measurable Data, «SAE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINES», 2015, 8, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]
Falfari, Stefania; Bianchi, GIAN MARCO; Cazzoli, Giulio; Brusiani, Federico; Forte, Claudio; Catellani, Cristian, The Effect of the Throttle Valve Rotational Direction on the Tumble Motion at Different Partial Load Conditions, in: SAE Technical Papers, SAE International, 2015, 2015-April, pp. 1 - 16 (atti di: SAE 2015 World Congress and Exhibition, Cobo CenterDetroit, 21 April 2015 through 23 April 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Brusiani, Federico; Falfari, Stefania; Bianchi, GIAN MARCO, Definition of a CFD multiphase simulation strategy to allow a first evaluation of the cavitation erosion risk inside high-pressure injector, «ENERGY PROCEDIA», 2015, 81, pp. 755 - 764 [Scientific article]
Forte, Claudio; Bianchi, Gian Marco; Corti, Enrico; Fantoni, Stefano, Evaluation of the effects of a Twin Spark ignition system on combustion stability of a high performance PFI engine, «ENERGY PROCEDIA», 2015, 81, pp. 897 - 906 [Scientific article]
Branchini, L.; Cagnoli, P.; De Pascale, A.; Lussu, F.; Orlandini, V; Valentini, E., Environmental assessment of renewable fuel energy systems with cross-media effects approach, «ENERGY PROCEDIA», 2015, 81, pp. 655 - 664 [Scientific article]
Ancona, M.A; Branchini, L.; De Pascale, A.; Melino, F., Smart District Heating: Distributed Generation Systems' Effects on the Network, «ENERGY PROCEDIA», 2015, 75, pp. 1208 - 1213 [Scientific article]
Antonucci, V.; Brunaccini, G.; De Pascale, A; Ferraro, M.; Melino, F.; Orlandini, V.; Sergi, F., Integration of μ-SOFC Generator and ZEBRA Batteries for Domestic Application and Comparison with other μ-CHP Technologies, «ENERGY PROCEDIA», 2015, 75, pp. 999 - 1004 [Scientific article]
Ancona, M. A.; Bianchi, M.; Branchini, L.; De Pascale, A.; Melino, F.; Orlandini, V.; Peretto, A., Generation Side Management In Smart Grid. ASME-ATI-UIT 2015 Conference on Thermal Energy Systems: Production, Storage, Utilization and the Environment, in: Proceedings of ASME ATI UIT 2015 Conference on Thermal Energy Systems: Production, Storage, Utilization and the Environment, Enzo Albano Editore, 2015, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: ASME ATI UIT 2015 Conference on Thermal Energy Systems: Production, Storage, Utilization and the Environment, Napoli (Italy), 17-20 May 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bhargava, R.K.; Bianchi, M.; Branchini, L.; De Pascale, A.; Orlandini, V., Organic rankine cycle system for effective energy recovery in offshore applications: A parametric investigation with different power rating gas turbines, in: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2015, 3, pp. 1 - 13 (atti di: ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2015, can, 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bianchi, Michele; Branchini, Lisa; Cesari, Simone; De Pascale, Andrea; Melino, Francesco, Repowering existing under-utilized WTE power plant with gas turbines, «APPLIED ENERGY», 2015, 160, pp. 902 - 911 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bianchi, M.; Branchini, L; De Pascale, A.; Peretto, A.; Melino, F.; Orlandini, V., Pump hydro storage and gas turbines technologies combined to handle wind variability: Optimal hydro solution for an Italian case study, «ENERGY PROCEDIA», 2015, 82, pp. 570 - 576 [Scientific article]
Ancona, M.A.; Bianchi, M.; Branchini, L; De Pascale, A.; Melino, F.; Peretto, A., Thermodynamic evaluation of repowering options for a small-size combined cycle with Concentrating Solar Power technology, «ENERGY PROCEDIA», 2015, 82, pp. 584 - 590 [Scientific article]
Bianchi, M.; Branchini, L.; Cagnoli, P.; De Pascale, A.; Lussu, F.; Orlandini, V.; Valentini, E., Valutazione di impatto ambientale da combustibili rinnovabili basata sull’approccio degli Effetti Incrociati, «LA TERMOTECNICA», 2015, 5, pp. 59 - 62 [Scientific article]
Barletta, Antonio, On the horizontal throughflow across a vertical porous wall, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES», 2015, 655, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]
Troiani E; Taddia S, Evaluation of fatigue life in laser peened thin aluminum panels, «LIGHT METAL AGE», 2015, 73, pp. 16 - 21 [Scientific article]
Donati, Lorenzo; Troiani, Enrico; Proli, Paolo; Tomesani, Luca, FEM Analysis and experimental validation of Friction Welding process of 6xxx alloys for the prediction of welding quality, «MATERIALS TODAY: PROCEEDINGS», 2015, 2, pp. 5045 - 5054 [Scientific article]
Barbieri, Daniela; Boselli, Marco; Cavrini, Francesca; Colombo, Vittorio; Gherardi, Matteo; Landini, Maria Paola; Laurita, Romolo; Liguori, Anna; Stancampiano, Augusto, Investigation of the antimicrobial activity at safe levels for eukaryotic cells of a low power atmospheric pressure inductively coupled plasma source, «BIOINTERPHASES», 2015, 10, pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article]
P. Battistoni; M. Sumini; S. Manservisi; C. Gonnier; L. Ferry; D. Tarabelli, Preliminary study of the LORELEI test device with the CATHARE-2 code, in: Proceedings of to NENE, 24th International conference Nuclear energy for Europe,, Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, 2015, 1, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: 24th International conference Nuclear energy for Europe, Portoroz, Setember 14-17) [Contribution to conference proceedings]