Applied Aerodynamics Laboratory

The laboratory houses the systems and instrumentation used for research and teaching in the field of aerodynamics and fluid dynamics in general. Research projects include:
- Characterisation of turbulent wall flows (boundary layer) and free flows (flat and coaxial jets)
- Construction of miniature anemometer probes, probe calibration
- Design and characterisation of aircraft and vehicle models in the tunnel
- Systems for flow control and separation on aerodynamic surfaces
- Design and assistance in the construction of wind tunnels or industrial plants for experimentation in the fields of aerodynamics or fluid dynamics
The resources in the Applied Aerodynamics laboratory complement those available in the CICLoPEinfrastructure. In the applied aerodynamics laboratory there are several workstations equipped with PCs and software for signal acquisition and data processing. The equipment available for studying fluid-dynamic and aerodynamic phenomena is an open-cycle wind tunnel and various pieces of equipment designed and built for specific problems. Flow characterisation is performed using instruments such as: classic pitot tubes and five-hole pitot tubes, pressure transducers, hot wire anemometry. Six-component strain gauge scales provide aerodynamic loads on bodies installed in the tunnel.
Wind tunnel
The open-cycle wind tunnel, 30 metres long and with a 180x60x80 cm rectangular test chamber, can reach a flow speed of 50 m/s (180 Km/h). The characterisation of aerodynamic actions is performed by means of measurements of speed, pressure and force, using measurement equipment such as hot-wire anemometers, pitot tubes and strain gauge scales.
In the applied aerodynamics laboratory there are five workstations equipped with PCs and software for signal acquisition and data processing. The equipment available for the study of fluid-dynamic and aerodynamic phenomena is an open-cycle wind tunnel, a closed-cycle wind tunnel, a coaxial jet and various equipment designed and built for specific problems.
Flow characterisation is performed using instruments such as: classic pitot tubes and five-hole pitot tubes, pressure transducers, hot wire anemometry. Six-component strain gauge scales provide aerodynamic loads on bodies installed in the tunnel.
Educational activities
The laboratory carries out research involving the students of the three-year degree programme in Aerospace Engineering and the international Master's degree in Aerospace Engineering who are about to do their final theses in the field of Fluid Dynamics and Experimental Aerodynamics. Some lectures and exercises from the Experimental Aerodynamics Laboratory course are also held in the laboratory. The laboratory is also used for practical exercises in Fluid Dynamics, Aircraft Aerodynamics, Applied Aerodynamics and Experimental Aerodynamics.
* The laboratory was recently relocated (summer 2021) from Via Seganti 103 to its new location in Via Cicognani 5-7, within the Aerospace Technology Hub in Forlì. At the moment, major renovation work is being done on the building, so teaching and workshops with students, internships and dissertations are temporarily suspended.
Wind tunnel photos

Wind tunnel photos

Wind tunnel photos

Wind tunnel photos
Full Professor
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
Via Fontanelle 40
Forlì (FC)
Tel: +39 0543 374 423
Adjunct professor
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale - DIN
Viale del Risorgimento 2
Bologna (BO)