Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics Laboratory

The facility houses several laboratory units used for Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering courses.

There is also a mechanical workshop with general and special equipment for machining sheet metal and mechanical components, and for the disassembly and reassembly of aircraft systems and structures.

With regard to the educational activities and laboratory units present, exercises with students, internships and thesis projects* are carried out in the Hangar.

* The laboratory was recently relocated (summer 2021) from Via Seganti 103 to its new location in Via Cicognani 5/7, within the Aerospace Technology Hub in Forlì. At the moment, major renovation work is being done on the building, so teaching and workshops with students, internships and dissertations are temporarily suspended.


  • Paolo Proli

    Area dei Funzionari - Settore scientifico - tecnologico

    DIN - Unità di laboratorio di Meccanica e aeronautica di Forlì

    Via Antonio Cicognani 5 7

    Forlì (FC)

    Tel: +39 0543 374 404