Automotive, Mobility and Transport


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Riccardo Accorsi

Associate Professor

keywords: Warehousing systems, Sustainable Logistics, Sustainable Supply Chains Networks, Optimisation and Simulation, Food
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Gabriele Bellani

Associate Professor

keywords: turbulence, experiments, wind tunnels, suspensions
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Gian Marco Bianchi

Full Professor

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Marco Bortolini

Associate Professor

keywords: Production system design, Smart manufacturing, Industry 4.0, Industrial logistics, Renewables and smart grid
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Pier Paolo Brancaleoni

PhD Student

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: Hydrogen Mobility, Advanced Combustions, Modeling of Injector Systems
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Alessandro Brusa

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

keywords: engine modeling, engine control, efficiency increase, knock, combustion analysis
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Stella Canè

PhD Student

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Daniele Carosi

PhD Student

keywords: Sustainable mobility, Magnetic properties of metallic materials, Microstructural characterization of metallic alloys,
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Marco Carricato

Full Professor

keywords: Cable-driven manipulators, Parallel manipulators, Static balancing, Dynamics of robots, Robot kinematics,
keywords: Metallurgy, Light Alloys, Foundry, Heat treatment, Microstructure, Sustainable mobility

Giuseppe Catania

Associate Professor

keywords: chatter, Computational Mechanics, Damping, Vibrations
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Nicolò Cavina

Full Professor

keywords: Misfire detection, ICE torque control based on phyiscal models, energy management for hybrid powertrains, Real-time

Giulio Cazzoli

Assistant professor

keywords: Internal combustion engine, CFD
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Lorella Ceschini

Full Professor

keywords: Steels, Cast irons, Aluminium alloys, Titanium alloys, Magnesium alloys, Metal matrix composites, Microstructure, Heat
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Marco Cescon

PhD Student

keywords: UX Analysis, Human-Machine Interface (HMI), Usability Testing
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Lorenzo Cestone

PhD Student

keywords: grinding, permanent magnets, sustainable mobility
keywords: Car design, 3D modeling, Artificial Intelligence
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Enrico Corti

Associate Professor

keywords: Control of the combustion process, ICE indicated and load torque estimation, Development of actual and virtual sensors
keywords: Sustainable mobility, Hydrogen, Fuel cells, Engine testing
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Massimiliano De Agostinis

Associate Professor

keywords: FEM, FEA, finite elements, structural, joint, machine, design, adhesive, thread, shaft, hub, interference, fatigue,
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Lorenzo Donati

Associate Professor

keywords: CFRP e GFRP composites, Metal Forming of metals and light alloys, Effect of process parameters on component

Hadi Eidinejad

PhD Student

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Stefania Falfari

Associate Professor

keywords: Turbulence, Tumble, Fuel Injection, Pumps, Ignition, Water injection, Combustion, Laminar flame speed, Internal
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Lorenzo Ferrari

PhD Student

keywords: Laser Welding, Battery manufacturing, Laser-material interaction, Laser processes simulation
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Leonardo Frizziero

Associate Professor

keywords: Computer Aided Design, Mechanical Design, Industrial Design, Design Methods, 3D Modeling, Augmented Reality, 3D Printing
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Francesca Furia

PhD Student

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Giulio Galiè

PhD Student

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: Automotive Design, Virtual Reality, Design Strategies, Industrial Design
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Massimo Garai

Full Professor

keywords: sustainability, characteristics of materials, metamateriali, uncertainty of measurements and calculations, mitigation
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Chiara Gianassi

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: Additive Manufacturing, Laser technologies, Direct Energy Deposition, Laser Powder Bed Fusion
keywords: Urban Air Mobility, Extended Reality, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixted Reality, U Space

Mirco Lenzi

PhD Student

Alfredo Liverani

Full Professor

keywords: Group Technology, Integrated Engineering, CAD-CAM

Luca Lorenzetti

PhD Student

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

Mattia Magnani

PhD Student

keywords: Hydrogen based mobility - Turbine engine - Fuel cell - Design of propulsive systems
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Riccardo Manzini

Full Professor

keywords: logistics, logistic network optimization, predictive maintenace, correlated storage assignment, routing and
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Valerio Mariani

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Advanced propulsion systems, Maritime engines, Fuel cells, CFD Simulations, Mixture optimization
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Carla Martini

Associate Professor

keywords: tribology, friction, wear, coatings, surface treatments, cultural heritage metals conservation, archaeometallurgy
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Giangiacomo Minak

Associate Professor

keywords: Acoustic emisssion, Numerical simulation, Solar Vehicles, Composite Materials, Hydroelasticity, Impact, Fatigue,
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Piero Morelli

Assistant professor

keywords: Critical Process Equipment, Stress analysis, Failure analysis, Fatigue, Reliability of systems and components,
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Davide Moro

Full Professor

keywords: ICE Nocive emission control, Indirect measurement of an automotive turbocharger rotational speed, ICE indicated and
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Ludovica Diletta Naldi

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

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Alessandro Neri

PhD Student

keywords: Supply Chain, Sustainability, Resilience, Industrial Symbiosis, Eco-industrial Park, Renewable Energy Sources
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Giorgio Olmi

Associate Professor

keywords: High Cycle Fatigue (HCF), Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF), Additive Manufacturing, Joining Techniques, Nondestructive Testing,
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Andrea Paffetti

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: Cellular solids - Lattice structures - Additive Manufacturing - Lightweight design - Dynamic loading conditions
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Curzio Pagliari

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: Automotive, Surface Modelling, 3D Modeling Automation, Ergonomics, Prototyping
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Boris Petrone

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: Automotive, Internal Combustion Engines, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Combustion Models, Data-driven
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Luca Piancastelli

Full Professor

keywords: diesel, turbocharging, common rail, simulation, turbocompound, direct injection, aeronautic engines, CAM, optimization,

Samuele Piandoro

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

Edoardo Pignatelli

Research fellow

keywords: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Car Design, Surface Modeling
keywords: powerunit, Internal combustion engines, Alternative fuels, Emission reduction
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Beatrice Pulvirenti

Associate Professor

keywords: Two-phase fluid-dynamics, Battery thermal management, Turbulent flows in street canyon, Fluid-dynamics in microdevices,
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Vittorio Ravaglioli

Associate Professor

keywords: Internal Combustion Engines, Turbomachineries
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Fabio Renso

PhD Student

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Alessandro Rivola

Full Professor

keywords: Mechanical Vibrations, Mechanics of Machines, Monitoring and Diagnostics, Analysis and Synthesis of Mechanisms,
keywords: Digital Twin, System Modelling, Reduced Order models, Vehicle Dynamics
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Nicola Sancisi

Associate Professor

keywords: Experimental analyses, Modelling, Biomechanics, Mechanisms, Medical devices
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Luca Tomesani

Full Professor

keywords: Digital Manufacturing, Laser Manufacturing, Metal forming, Hybrid Joining between metals and composites
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Enrico Troiani

Associate Professor

keywords: Fatigue & damage tolerance, Low energy impact, Crashworthiness, Friction Stir Welding, Composite materials, Laser Shock
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Marco Troncossi

Full Professor

keywords: vibration mission synthesis, test tailoring, dynamic analysis, highly accelerated life test, rehabilitation robotics,

Rocco Vertechy

Full Professor

keywords: Smart materials and structures, mechatronics, robotics

Davide Viscione

PhD Student

Research fellow

keywords: Low Temperature Combustion, Computational Fluid Dynamics
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Antonello Volza

PhD Student

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Alessandro Zanarini

Assistant professor

keywords: Full field optical measurement techniques, ESPI - full field displacement measurements, High Speed DIC - Digital Image