The Director is a professor of the Department elected by the Department Board who carries out the functions of direction, initiative, supervision and coordination of the scientific and teaching activities of the Department. The Director directs and coordinates the technical and administrative staff, and is the consignee of the spaces and assets assigned to the Department. The complete list of the Director's functions can be found in the attached Operating Rules.
The current Director of the Department of Industrial Engineering is Professor Alfredo Liverani.
The Deputy Director for the three-year period 2021/2024 is Professor Antonio Barletta.
The Deputy Director replaces the Director in case of absence or temporary impediment.
The Head of the Operational Unit of the Forlì campus for the three-year period 2021/2024 is Professor Alessandro Rivola.
The Head of the Forlì Operational Unit coordinates the teaching and scientific activities carried out at the Forlì campus in accordance with the guidelines of the Department Board.