Scientific publications
Celli M.; Impiombato A.N.; Barletta A., Buoyancy-driven convection in a horizontal porous layer saturated by a power-law fluid: The effect of an open boundary, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES», 2020, 152, pp. 1 - 5 [Scientific article] Open Access
Croccolo D.; De Agostinis M.; Fini S.; Olmi G.; Paiardini L.; Robusto F., Tribological properties of connecting rod high strength screws improved by surface peening treatments, «METALS», 2020, 10, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article] Open Access
Guzzini A.; Pellegrini M.; Pelliconi E.; Saccani C., Low temperature district heating: An expert opinion survey, «ENERGIES», 2020, 13, pp. 810 - 843 [Scientific article] Open Access
D'Orazio, D.; Fratoni, G.; Rovigatti, A.; Garai, M., A virtual orchestra to qualify the acoustics of historical opera houses, «BUILDING ACOUSTICS», 2020, 27, pp. 235 - 252 [Scientific article] Open Access
Pulga L.; Bianchi Gian Marco; Falfari S.; Forte C., A machine learning methodology for improving the accuracy of laminar flame simulations with reduced chemical kinetics mechanisms, «COMBUSTION AND FLAME», 2020, 216, pp. 72 - 81 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ascari, Alessandro; Fortunato, Alessandro; Dimatteo, Vincenzo, Short pulse laser welding of aluminum and copper alloys in dissimilar configuration, «JOURNAL OF LASER APPLICATIONS», 2020, 32, pp. 022025 - 022030 [Scientific article]
Pavlovic, Ana; Sintoni, Davide; Fragassa, Cristiano; Minak, Giangiacomo, Multi-Objective Design Optimization of the Reinforced Composite Roof in a Solar Vehicle, «APPLIED SCIENCES», 2020, 10, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article] Open Access
Campione, Ivo; Brugo, Tommaso Maria; Minak, Giangiacomo; Tomić, Jelena Janković; Bogojević, Nebojša; Kostić, Snežana Ćirić, Investigation by Digital Image Correlation of Mixed Mode I and II Fracture Behavior of Metallic IASCB Specimens with Additive Manufactured Crack-Like Notch, «METALS», 2020, 10, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article] Open Access
Povolo, Marco; Brugo, Tommaso M.; Zucchelli, Andrea, Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Aluminum/CFRP Hybrid Tubes with Rubber-like Interlayer, «APPLIED COMPOSITE MATERIALS», 2020, 27, pp. 269 - 283 [Scientific article]
Zavatta, Michele; Chianura, Mattia; Pott, Andreas; Carricato, Marco, A Vision-Based Referencing Procedure for Cable-Driven Parallel Manipulators, «JOURNAL OF MECHANISMS AND ROBOTICS», 2020, 12, pp. 1 - 7 [Scientific article] Open Access
Wu Y.; Carricato M., Persistent manifolds of the special Euclidean group SE(3): A review, «COMPUTER AIDED GEOMETRIC DESIGN», 2020, 79, pp. 1 - 24 [Scientific article] Open Access
Martini, Alberto; Bonelli, Giovanni Paolo; Rivola, Alessandro, Virtual Testing of Counterbalance Forklift Trucks: Implementation and Experimental Validation of a Numerical Multibody Model, «MACHINES», 2020, 8, pp. 1 - 16 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ida, Edoardo; Marian, Daniele; Carricato, Marco, A Deployable Cable-Driven Parallel Robot With Large Rotational Capabilities for Laser-Scanning Applications, «IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS», 2020, 5, pp. 4140 - 4147 [Scientific article] Open Access
Mele, Mattia; Campana, Giampaolo, Sustainability-Driven Multi-Objective Evolutionary Orienting in Additive Manufacturing, «SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION», 2020, 23, pp. 138 - 147 [Scientific article]
mele mattia; campana giampaolo, An Experimental Approach to Manufacturability Assessment of Microfluidic Devices Produced by Stereolithography, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. PART C, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE», 2020, 234, pp. 4905 - 4916 [Scientific article]
Di Gesu R.; Gualandi C.; Zucchelli A.; Liguori A.; Paltrinieri L.; Focarete M.L., Biodegradable electrospun fibers enriched with struvite crystal seeds for the recovery of phosphorous and nitrogen, «EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL», 2020, 122, pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article] Open Access
Sensini A.; Cristofolini L.; Zucchelli A.; Focarete M.L.; Gualandi C.; de Mori A.; Kao A.P.; Roldo M.; Blunn G.; Tozzi G., Hierarchical electrospun tendon-ligament bioinspired scaffolds induce changes in fibroblasts morphology under static and dynamic conditions, «JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPY», 2020, 277, pp. 160 - 169 [Scientific article] Open Access
Vichi, S.; Infantino, A.; Zagni, F.; Cicoria, G.; Braccini, S.; Mostacci, D.; Marengo, M., Activation studies for the decommissioning of PET cyclotron bunkers by means of Monte Carlo simulations, «RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY», 2020, 174, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article] Open Access
Falcetelli F.; Rossi L.; Di Sante R.; Bolognini G., Strain Transfer in Surface-Bonded Optical Fiber Sensors, «SENSORS», 2020, 20, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article] Open Access
del Borrello M.; Mele M.; Campana G.; Secchi M., Manufacturing and characterization of hemp-reinforced epoxy composites, «POLYMER COMPOSITES», 2020, 41, pp. 2316 - 2329 [Scientific article]