Scientific publications
Calabrese F.; Regattieri A.; Bortolini M.; Galizia F.G., Fault Diagnosis in Industries: How to Improve the Health Assessment of Rotating Machinery, in: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Singapore, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022, pp. 257 - 266 (SMART INNOVATION, SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES) [Chapter or essay]
Bortolini M.; Calabrese F.; Galizia F.G.; Mora C.; Ventura V., Industry 4.0 Technologies: A Cross-sector Industry-Based Analysis, in: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Singapore, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022, pp. 140 - 148 (SMART INNOVATION, SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES) [Chapter or essay]
Ponti, Fabrizio; Mini, Stefano; Fadigati, Luca; Annovazzi, Adriano; Corti, Enrico; Moro, Davide, Theoretical Study on the Influence of Debondings on Solid Rocket Motor Performance, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGETIC MATERIALS AND CHEMICAL PROPULSION», 2022, 21, pp. 21 - 45 [Scientific article] Open Access
Croccolo, D.; De Agostinis, M.; Fini, S.; Olmi, G.; Paiardini, L.; Robusto, F., Temperature response of LOCTITE 648 anaerobic adhesive and hoop channels to enhance its effectiveness under high interference, «JOURNAL OF ADHESION», 2022, 98, pp. 2618 - 2642 [Scientific article] Open Access
Lerra F.; Liverani E.; Landi E.; Fortunato A., Real Single Grain Grinding Finite Element Method Simulation for Case-Hardened Steel Based on Equivalent Contact Area Analysis, «JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING», 2022, 144, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ciric-Kostic S.; Croccolo D.; De Agostinis M.; Fini S.; Olmi G.; Paiardini L.; Robusto F.; Soskic Z.; Bogojevic N., Fatigue response of additively manufactured Maraging Stainless Steel CX and effects of heat treatment and surface finishing, «FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURES», 2022, 45, pp. 482 - 499 [Scientific article] Open Access
Chiara Coletti, Giancarlo Ciotoli, Elena Benà, Erika Brattich, Giorgia Cinelli, Antonio Galgaro, Matteo Massironi, Claudio Mazzoli, Domiziano Mostacci, Pietro Morozzi, Paolo Mozzi, Jacopo Nava, Livio Ruggero, Alessandra Sciarra, Laura Tositti, Raffaele Sassi, The assessment of local geological factors for the construction of a Geogenic Radon Potential map using regression kriging. A case study from the Euganean Hills volcanic district (Italy), «SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT», 2022, 808, pp. 152064 - 152079 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bortolini M.; Galizia F.G., Balancing Workers in Divisional Serus, in: A.-L. Andersen, R. Andersen, T.D. Brunoe, M.S.S. Larsen, K. Nielsen, A. Napoleone, S. Kjeldgaard, Towards Sustainable Customization: Bridging Smart Products and Manufacturing Systems, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, «LECTURE NOTES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING», 2022, pp. 584 - 591 (atti di: 8th Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production Conference, CARV 2021 and 10th World Mass Customization and Personalization Conference, MCPC 2021, Aalborg, 1-2 November 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bacciaglia, Antonio; Ceruti, Alessandro; Liverani, Alfredo, A Voxel-Based 2.5D Panel Method for Fluid-Dynamics Simulations, in: Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering II, «LECTURE NOTES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING», 2022, pp. 13 - 26 (atti di: ADM 2021, Rome, Italy, 9-10, September 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Laghi V.; Palermo M.; Tonelli L.; Gasparini G.; Girelli V.A.; Ceschini L.; Trombetti T., Mechanical response of dot-by-dot wire-and-arc additively manufactured 304L stainless steel bars under tensile loading, «CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS», 2022, 318, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article] Open Access
Palanca M.; Liebsch C.; Hubner S.; Marras D.; Ruspi M.L.; Marconi F.; Cristofolini L.; Wilke H.-J., Global and local characterization explains the different mechanisms of failure of the human ribs, «JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS», 2022, 125, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article] Open Access
Zanni M.; Morri A.; Ceschini L., Development and validation of a probabilistic model for notch fatigue strength prediction of tool steels based on surface defects, «FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURES», 2022, 45, pp. 113 - 132 [Scientific article] Open Access
Corsi M.; Bagassi S.; Moruzzi M.C.; Seccia L., Correlation between production parameters and mechanical properties of ABS plus p430 fused deposition material, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. PART C, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE», 2022, 236, pp. 2478 - 2487 [Scientific article] Open Access
Barletta A.; Celli M., Modal and absolute thermal instability in a vertical porous layer, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES», 2022, 172, Part B, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article] Open Access
Zheng, X.; Bellani, G.; Mascotelli, L.; Orlu, R.; Ianiro, A.; Vila, C. S.; Discetti, S.; Serpieri, J.; Raiola, M.; Talamelli, A.; Li, Y.; Jiang, N., Inter-scale interaction in pipe flows at high Reynolds numbers, «EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE», 2022, 131, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article] Open Access
Di Egidio, Gianluca; Ceschini, Lorella; Morri, Alessandro; Martini, Carla; Merlin, Mattia, A Novel T6 Rapid Heat Treatment for AlSi10Mg Alloy Produced by Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion: Comparison with T5 and Conventional T6 Heat Treatments, «METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. B, PROCESS METALLURGY AND MATERIALS PROCESSING SCIENCE», 2022, 53, pp. 284 - 303 [Scientific article] Open Access
Lerra, Flavia; Candido, Antonio; Liverani, Erica; Fortunato, Alessandro, Prediction of Micro-scale Forces in Dry Grinding Process Through a FEM—ML Hybrid Approach, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRECISION ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING», 2022, 23, pp. 15 - 29 [Scientific article] Open Access
Maccaferri E.; Mazzocchetti L.; Benelli T.; Brugo T.M.; Zucchelli A.; Giorgini L., Self-Assembled NBR/Nomex Nanofibers as Lightweight Rubbery Nonwovens for Hindering Delamination in Epoxy CFRPs, «ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES», 2022, 14, pp. 1885-1899 - 1899 [Scientific article] Open Access
Santi G.M.; Frizziero L.; Donnici G.; Francia D.; Neri M.; Liverani A., A New Sedan Concept Car in Stylistic Design Engineering (SDE) Enhanced with Augmented Reality, in: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, «LECTURE NOTES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING», 2022, pp. 82 - 90 (atti di: 2nd International Conference on Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering, ADM 2021, ita, 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Santhosh, S., De Crescenzio, F. , Vitolo, B., Defining the Potential of Extended Reality Tools for Implementing Co-creation of User Oriented Products and Systems, in: Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering II. ADM 2021. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering., Springer Nature, «LECTURE NOTES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING», 2022, pp. 165 - 174 (atti di: International Conference on Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering, ADM 2021, Roma, 9-10 settembre 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access