Scientific publications
A. Ceruti; G.Caligiana; F.Persiani, Comparative evaluation of different optimization methodologies for the design of UAVs having shape obtained by hot wire cutting techniques., «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON INTERACTIVE DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING», 2013, 7, pp. 63 - 78 [Scientific article]
Bortolini M; Gamberi M; Graziani A; Manzini R; Mora C, Multi-location model for the estimation of the horizontal daily diffuse fraction of solar radiation in Europe, «ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT», 2013, 67, pp. 208 - 216 [Scientific article]
Hossein Heidary; Mehdi Ahmadi; Abdolreza Rahimi; Giangiacomo Minak, Wavelet-based acoustic emission characterization of residual strength of drilled composite materials, «JOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS», 2013, 47, pp. 2897 - 2908 [Scientific article]
Poodts E. ; Minak G. ; Zucchelli A., Impact of sea-water on the quasi static and fatigue flexural properties of GFRP, «COMPOSITE STRUCTURES», 2013, 97, pp. 222 - 230 [Scientific article]
N. Zarif Karimi; H. Heidarya; G. Minak; M. Ahmadi, Effect of the drilling process on the compression behavior of glass/epoxy laminates, «COMPOSITE STRUCTURES», 2013, 98, pp. 59 - 68 [Scientific article]
R. Panciroli; S. Abrate ; G. Minak, Dynamic response of flexible wedges entering the water, «COMPOSITE STRUCTURES», 2013, 99, pp. 163 - 171 [Scientific article]
A. Liverani; A. Ceruti; G. Caligiana, Tablet-based 3D sketching and curve reverse modelling, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AIDED ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY», 2013, 5, pp. 188 - 215 [Scientific article]
G. Avanzini; F. Giulietti, Maximum Range for Battery-Powered Aircraft, «JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT», 2013, 50, pp. 304 - 307 [Scientific article]
Rocha L.A.O.; Dos Santos E.D.; Cunha D.C.; Garcia F.L.; Lorenzini G.; Biserni C.; Letzow M.; Costa J.A.V.; Souza J.A.; Isoldi L.A., Constructal Design of Thermal Systems (Chapter 17), in: Constructal Law and the Unifying Principle of Design, NEW YORK, Springer, 2013, pp. 295 - 321 [Chapter or essay]
Lorenzini G.; Biserni C.; Rocha L.A.O., Constructal design of X-shaped conductive pathways for cooling a heat-generating body, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER», 2013, 58, pp. 513 - 520 [Scientific article]
F. Tornabene; A. Ceruti, Free-Form Laminated Doubly-Curved Shells and Panels of Revolution on Winkler-Pasternak Elastic Foundations: A 2D GDQ Solution for Static and Free Vibration Analysis, «WORLD JOURNAL OF MECHANICS», 2013, 3, pp. 1 - 25 [Scientific article]
Campana G.; Ascari A.; Fortunato A., Laser foaming for joining aluminum foam cores inside a hollow profile, «OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY», 2013, 48, pp. 331 - 336 [Scientific article]
L. CESCHINI; G.MINAK; ALESSANDRO MORRI; L.TOMESANI; ANDREA MORRI; E. SALSI; R. SQUATRITO; N. RADOVIC, Modellazione di processo, previsione di microstruttura e proprietà meccaniche di ghise sferoidali colate in sabbia, «LA METALLURGIA ITALIANA», 2013, 1, pp. 2 - 11 [Scientific article]
M. Bianchi; A. De Pascale; F. Melino, Performance Analysis of an Integrated CHP System with Thermal and Electric Energy Storage for Residential Application, «APPLIED ENERGY», 2013, 112, pp. 928 - 938 [Scientific article]
Xie G.N.; Liu J.; Zang W.H.; Lorenzini G.; Biserni C., Simulation and Improvement of Temperature Distributions of a Framed Mould during the Autoclave Composite Curing Process, «JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING THERMOPHYSICS», 2013, 22, pp. 43 - 61 [Scientific article]
S. Sinigardi; G. Turchetti; P. Londrillo; F. Rossi; D. Giove; C. De Martinis; M. Sumini, Transport and energy selection of laser generated protons for postacceleration with a compact linac, «PHYSICAL REVIEW SPECIAL TOPICS. ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS», 2013, 16, pp. 031301-1 - 031301-13 [Scientific article]
S. Manservisi; F. Menghini, Numerical simulations of the four parameter k-w-kt-et heat transfer turbulence model in single rod and rod bundle geometries with LBE coolant, in: Proceedings of the 2nd Cluster Workshop in Thermohydralics of innovative nuclear systems (THINS), STOCKHOLM, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2013, pp. 1 - 27 [Chapter or essay]
G. Bornia; M. Gunzburger; S. Manservisi, A Distributed Control Approach for the Boundary Optimal Control of the Steady MHD Equations, «COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS», 2013, 14 (3), pp. 722 - 752 [Scientific article]
L. Ceschini; A. Marconi; C. Martini; R. Montanari; N. Ucciardello, AISI 316L carbocementato a bassa temperatura (su scala industriale vs. via plasma su scala di laboratorio): studio del comportamento tribologico in condizioni di strisciamento a secco, «LA METALLURGIA ITALIANA», 2013, 2, pp. 21 - 32 [Scientific article]
Accorsi R.; Manzini R.; Bortolini M.; Gamberi M.; Pareschi A.; Penazzi S.; Pini C.; Ferrari S., Close-loop Land-network Modelling for Sustainable Food Supply Chain, in: Meeting the challenges of the Food Supply Chain with Innovation, SANTIAGO, s.n, 2013, pp. 1 - 12 (atti di: Second International Workshop on Food Supply Chain, Vina del Mar, Chile, March 18-21, 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]