Scientific publications
Andriolo, Alessandro; Battini, Daria; Calzavara, Martina; Gamberi, Mauro; Peretti, Umberto; Persona, Alessandro; Pilati, Francesco; Sgarbossa, Fabio, New RFID pick-To-light system: Operating characteristics and future potential, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RF TECHNOLOGIES: RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS», 2016, 7, pp. 43 - 63 [Scientific article]
Cherubini, Antonello; Vertechy, Rocco; Fontana, Marco, Simplified model of offshore Airborne Wind Energy Converters, «RENEWABLE ENERGY», 2016, 88, pp. 465 - 473 [Scientific article]
Berselli, Giovanni; Meng, Qiaoling; Vertechy, Rocco; Castelli, Vincenzo Parenti, An improved design method for the dimensional synthesis of flexure-based compliant mechanisms: optimization procedure and experimental validation, «MECCANICA», 2016, 51, pp. 1209 - 1225 [Scientific article]
Parvari Rad, Farid; Vertechy, Rocco; Berselli, Giovanni; Parenti-Castelli, Vincenzo, Analytical compliance analysis and finite element verification of spherical flexure hinges for spatial compliant mechanisms, «MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY», 2016, 101, pp. 168 - 180 [Scientific article]
Isolan, L.; Cucchi, G.; Iori, M.; Sghedoni, R.; Sumini, M., Monte Carlo estimation and measurement of the activation products due to an electron linear accelerator for medical applications, in: Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics , Volume 32 , Supplement 1, 2016, pp. 119 - 119 (atti di: 9th National Congress of the Associazione Italiana di Fisica Medica, Perugia, Italy, Feb. 25-28, 2016) [Abstract]
Buontempo, F.; Isolan, L.; Zironi, I.; Castellani, G.; Nano, R.; Pasi, F.; Tartari, A.; Mostacci, D.; Sumini, M.; Martelli, A.M., Characterization of biological effects in radiotherapy applications of ultra-high dose rate pulses from a plasma focus device, in: Proceedings of the 24th Biennial Congress of the European Association for Cancer Research - EACR24, European Journal of Cancer, Vol. 61, Suppl. 1, July 2016, Elsevier, 2016, European Journal of Cancer, Vol. 61, Suppl. 1, July 2016, pp. S159 - S159 (atti di: 24th Biennial Congress of the European Association for Cancer Research - EACR24, Manchester, UK, July, 9-12, 2016) [Abstract]
Ponti, Fabrizio; Ravaglioli, Vittorio; De Cesare, Matteo, Development of a methodology for engine performance investigation through double crankshaft speed measurement, «JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER», 2016, 138, pp. 102813 - 102818 [Scientific article]
G. Campana; M. Mele; B. Cimatti, A new CAD integrated application to support designers and increase design sustainability, in: Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2016, Cardiff, UK, Springer, 2016, pp. 3 - 14 (SMART INNOVATION, SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES) [Chapter or essay]
G. Campana; B. Cimatti; F. Melosi, A Proposal for the Evaluation of Craftsmanship in Industry, in: Procedia CIRP vol. 40, Berlino, Tecnische Universitaet Berlin, 2016, pp. 668 - 673 [Chapter or essay]
B. Cimatti; G. Campana, MODERN INDUSTRIAL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL IMPACT, in: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL INNOVATION, Hobe Sound, Florida, The International Association of Organizational Innovation (IAOI), 2016, pp. 7 - 17 [Chapter or essay]
Shirgholami, Zahra; Zangeneh, Soudabeh Namdar; Bortolini, Marco, Decision system to support the practitioners in the wind farm design: A case study for Iran mainland, «SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES AND ASSESSMENTS», 2016, 16, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]
Laurita, Romolo; Zaccaria, Marco; Gherardi, Matteo; Fabiani, Davide; Merlettini, Andrea; Pollicino, Antonino; Focarete, Maria Letizia; Colombo, Vittorio, Plasma Processing of Electrospun Li-Ion Battery Separators to Improve Electrolyte Uptake, «PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS», 2016, 13, pp. 124 - 133 [Scientific article]
Botti, L.; Ferrari, E.; Galli, P.; Gandolfi, L.; Migliore, A.; Mora, C., Migliorare l'ergonomia nell'industria della lavorazione delle carni: il caso di un'azienda di lavorazione del prosciutto crudo, «AMBIENTE E SICUREZZA SUL LAVORO», 2016, 1, pp. 44 - 50 [Scientific article]
Bortolini, M.; Ferrari, E.; Galizia, F.G.; Mora, C., A Reference Framework Integrating Lean and Green Principles within Supply Chain Management, «WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY», 2016, 10, pp. 859 - 864 [Scientific article]
Semprini, Giovanni; Marinosci, Cosimo; Ferrante, Annarita; Predari, Giorgia; Mochi, Giovanni; Garai, Massimo; Gulli, Riccardo, Energy management in public institutional and educational buildings: The case of the school of engineering and architecture in Bologna, «ENERGY AND BUILDINGS», 2016, 126, pp. 365 - 374 [Scientific article]
de Angelis, Emanuele L; Giulietti, Fabrizio; De Ruiter, Anton H.J.; Avanzini, Giulio, Spacecraft attitude control using magnetic and mechanical actuation, «JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS», 2016, 39, pp. 564 - 573 [Scientific article]
Zavoli, Alessandro; Giulietti, Fabrizio; Avanzini, Giulio; De Matteis, Guido, Spacecraft dynamics under the action of Y-dot magnetic control law, «ACTA ASTRONAUTICA», 2016, 122, pp. 146 - 158 [Scientific article]
de Angelis, Emanuele L; Ferrarese, Gastone; Giulietti, Fabrizio; Modenini, Dario; Tortora, Paolo, Terminal height estimation using a Fading Gaussian Deterministic filter, «AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY», 2016, 55, pp. 366 - 376 [Scientific article]
Liguori, Anna; Pollicino, Antonino; Stancampiano, Augusto; Tarterini, Fabrizio; Focarete, Maria Letizia; Colombo, Vittorio; Gherardi, Matteo, Deposition of Plasma-Polymerized Polyacrylic Acid Coatings by a Non-Equilibrium Atmospheric Pressure Nanopulsed Plasma Jet, «PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS», 2016, 13, pp. 375 - 386 [Scientific article] Open Access
Liguori, Anna; Traldi, Enrico; Toccaceli, Elena; Laurita, Romolo; Pollicino, Antonino; Focarete, Maria Letizia; Colombo, Vittorio; Gherardi, Matteo, Co-Deposition of Plasma-Polymerized Polyacrylic Acid and Silver Nanoparticles for the Production of Nanocomposite Coatings Using a Non-Equilibrium Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet, «PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS», 2016, 13, pp. 623 - 632 [Scientific article] Open Access