Scientific publications
Semprini, Giovanni; Ferrante, Annarita; Cattani, Elena; Fotopoulou, Anastasia, New strategies towards nearly zero energy in existing buildings: The ABRACADABRA project, «ENERGY PROCEDIA», 2017, 140, pp. 151 - 158 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ravaglioli, Vittorio; Stola, Federico; De Cesare, Matteo; Ponti, Fabrizio; Sgatti, Stefano, Injection pattern design for real time control of diesel engine acoustic emission, «SAE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES», 2017, 10, pp. 308 - 316 [Scientific article]
Cerroni, Daniele; Da Vià, Roberto*; Manservisi, Sandro; Menghini, Filippo, Multiscale simulation of a power-cooling system, in: AIP Conference Proceedings, New York, American Institute of Physics Inc., 2017, 1863, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2016, ICNAAM 2016, Rodos Palace Hotel, grc, 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Chierici, A.; Chirco, L.; Da Vià, R.; Manservisi, S.; Scardovelli, R., A multiscale numerical algorithm for heat transfer simulation between multidimensional CFD and monodimensional system codes, in: 35th Italian Union of Thermo-Fluid Dynamics Heat Transfer Conference, UIT 2017, NewYork, Institute of Physics Publishing, 2017, 923, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: 35th Italian Union of Thermo-Fluid Dynamics Heat Transfer Conference, UIT 2017, Faculty of Engineering, Marche Polytechnic University, ita, 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Chirco, L.; Da Vià, R.; Manservisi, S., An optimal control method for fluid structure interaction systems via adjoint boundary pressure, in: 35th Italian Union of Thermo-Fluid Dynamics Heat Transfer Conference, UIT 2017, NewYork, Institute of Physics Publishing, 2017, 923, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: 35th Italian Union of Thermo-Fluid Dynamics Heat Transfer Conference, UIT 2017, Faculty of Engineering, Marche Polytechnic University, ita, 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Giampietro Fabbri, Kainua Misena e il popolo misto degli Etruschi, «SCIENZE E RICERCHE», 2017, 51, pp. 41 - 51 [Scientific article]
Vocale, Pamela*; Morini, Gian Luca; Spiga, Marco; Colin, Stéphane, Shear work contribution to convective heat transfer of dilute gases in slip flow regime, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS. B, FLUIDS», 2017, 64, pp. 60 - 68 [Scientific article]
Adamovich, I.*; Baalrud, S.D.; Bogaerts, A.; Bruggeman, P.J.; Cappelli, M.; Colombo, V.; Czarnetzki, U.; Ebert, U.; Eden, J.G.; Favia, P.; Graves, D.B.; Hamaguchi, S.; Hieftje, G.; Hori, M.; Kaganovich, I.D.; Kortshagen, U.; Kushner, M.J.; Mason, N.J.; Mazouffre, S.; Thagard, S. Mededovic; Metelmann, H.-R.; Mizuno, A.; Moreau, E.; Murphy, A.B.; Niemira, B.A.; Oehrlein, G.S.; Petrovic, Z Lj; Pitchford, L.C.; Pu, Y.-K.; Rauf, S.; Sakai, O.; Samukawa, S.; Starikovskaia, S.; Tennyson, J.; Terashima, K.; Turner, M.M.; Van De Sanden, M.C.M.; Vardelle, A., The 2017 Plasma Roadmap: Low temperature plasma science and technology, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D. APPLIED PHYSICS», 2017, 50, pp. 323001 - 323047 [Scientific article] Open Access
G. Masi, C. Martini, E. Bernardi, M.C. Bignozzi, C. Monticelli, A. Balbo, F. Zanotto, M. Aufray, J. Esvan, L. Robbiola, C. Chiavari, Sviluppo di rivestimenti a base di silani per la protezione del bronzo patinato in condizioni che simulano l’esposizione all’aperto, in: Atti delle Giornate Nazionali sulla Corrosione e Protezione - XII edizione, 2017, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: Giornate Nazionali sulla Corrosione e Protezione - XII edizione, EFC Event n.422,, Milano, 28-30 Giugno 2017) [Abstract]
C. Monticelli, V. Grassi, C. Martini, C. Chiavari, G. Mavilia, F. Zanotto, G. Masi, E. Bernardi, A. Balbo, Protettività di diversi tipi di rivestimenti a base di silani per bronzo patinato, in: Atti delle Giornate Nazionali sulla Corrosione e Protezione - XII edizione, 2017, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: Giornate Nazionali sulla Corrosione e Protezione - XII edizione, EFC Event n.422, Milano, 28-30 Giugno 2017) [Abstract]
Amadori, S., Catania, G.,, Damping contributions of coatings to the viscoelastic behaviour of mechanical components, in: Proceedings of the Surveillance 9 International Conference, Fez, Morocco, 22–24 May 2017, 2017, pp. 1 - 13 (atti di: Surveillance 9 International Conference, Fez, Morocco, 22–24 May 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Amadori, S, Catania, G.,, On the damping behaviour of single and multi-layer coatings, in: Mechcomp3, Bologna, Esculapio, «STRUCTURAL AND COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS», 2017, pp. 96 - 97 (atti di: MECHCOMP3–3rd International Conference of Mechanics of Composites, Bologna, 4-7 July 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Amadori, S., Catania, G., Experimental evaluation of the damping properties and optimal modeling of coatings made by plasma-deposition techniques, in: Progress in mechanics and materials in design, Porto, INEGI/FEUP, 2017, pp. 113 - 114 (atti di: M2D2017 7th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design, Algarve, 11-15 June 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Amadori, S., Catania, G., Multi layer composite coating technology for high damping mechanical structural applications, in: Engineering Dynamics and life sciences, Lodz, JAN AWREJCEWICZ, MAREK KAŹMIERCZAK, JERZY MROZOWSKI, PAWEŁ OLEJNIK, 2017, vol.3, pp. 97 - 108 (atti di: DSTA-2017 14th International Conference on Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications, Lodz, 11-14 December 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Catania G., Strozzi M., Multi-layer composite beam modelling and optimization for high speed mechanical applications, in: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Composite Structures ICCS20, Bologna, Esculapio, «STRUCTURAL AND COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS», 2017, pp. 10 - 11 (atti di: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Composite Structures ICCS20, Paris, September 4-7, 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Di Sante, Raffaella; Fagiani, Ramona; Manconi, Elisabetta*; Vanali, Marcello, Frequency response coupling technique for the estimation of the power transmission in multi-point-connected structures, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. PART I, JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND CONTROL ENGINEERING», 2017, 231, pp. 149 - 157 [Scientific article]
Raffaella Di Sante, Marcello Vanali, Elisabetta Manconi, Alessandro Perazzolo, Experimental and Statistical Energy Analysis of the Structure-borne Noise in a Helicopter Cabin, «INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING», 2017, 10, pp. 323 - 328 [Scientific article]
Giampietro Fabbri, SUPARSTHAS and SWAGWAUTAS Colonisers of the Ancient World. Part I: Origins and early migrations, «JOURNAL OF ANCIENT HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY», 2017, 4, pp. 5 - 27 [Scientific article]
A. Ferrante ; A. Fotopoulou; E. Cattani; G. Semprini, Deep renovation in changing cities: Densification and real-estate value for cost-effective energy targets in the ABRACADABRA strategy, in: Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly The Greek Ministry of Tourism, CHANGING CITIES III Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socio-economic Dimensions, Thessaloniki, Greece, GRAFIMA PUBLICATIONS Str. Eksadaktylou 5, 546 35, Professor Aspa Gospodini, 2017, 1, pp. 1935 - 1946 (atti di: CHANGING CITIES III Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socio-economic Dimensions, Syros-Delos-Mykonos, Greece, June 26-30, 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Amadori, S., Catania, G., Casagrande, A. , Valeri, S., Experimental model identification and validation of standard and functionally graded materials for aerospace, automotive and high speed industrial applications, in: Decima giornata di studio Ettore Funaioli – 15 luglio 2016, Bologna, Esculapio, 2017, pp. 79 - 98 (atti di: 10a Giornata di studio “Ettore Funaioli”, Bologna, July 15, 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]