Scientific publications
Bianchini, A.; Pellegrini, M.; Saccani, C., Wide use of sustainable energy from aquifers in Italy: Pilot plant design and implementation, in: Bianchini, A. and Pellegrini, M. and Saccani, C., Proceedings of the 22nd Summer School "Francesco Turco" - Industrial Systems Engineering, AIDI, 2017, 2017-September, pp. 305 - 311 (atti di: Summer School "Francesco Turco" - Industrial Systems Engineering, Palermo, 13-15 September 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bianchi, M.; Branchini, L.; De Pascale, A.; Orlandini, V.; Ottaviano, S.; Pinelli, M.; Spina, P. R.; Suman, A., Experimental Performance of a Micro-ORC Energy System for Low Grade Heat Recovery, «ENERGY PROCEDIA», 2017, 129, pp. 899 - 906 [Scientific article]
Bianchi, M.; Branchini, L.; De Pascale, A.; Melino, F.; Orlandini, V.; Peretto, A.; Archetti, D.; Campana, F.; Ferrari, T.; Rossetti, N., Techno-Economic Analysis of ORC in Gas Compression Stations Taking into Account Actual Operating Conditions, «ENERGY PROCEDIA», 2017, 129, pp. 543 - 550 [Scientific article]
COSTANTINO CARLO Mastino, ; Luca, Barbaresi; Nicola, Granzotto; Roberto, Baccoli; Federica, Morandi, Comparative study of prediction methods and field measurements of the acoustic performances of buildings made with CLT elements, in: INTER-NOISE 2017 - 46th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Taming Noise and Moving Quiet, «NOISE-CON PROCEEDINGS», 2017, pp. 3555 - 3564 (atti di: InterNoise17, Hong Kong CHINA, 27 and 30 August 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Fragassa, Cristiano; Minak, Giangiacomo, Measuring deformations in a rigid-hulled inflatable boat, in: Fragassa, Cristiano, Key Engineering Materials, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2017, 754, pp. 295 - 298 (atti di: 16th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics, 2017, ita, 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Palanca, Marco; Ruspi Maria Luisa, ; Amicone, Alessio; Faldini, Cesare; Cristofolini, Luca, In vitro full-field strain distribution on human thoracolumbar spine segment subjected to flexion, in: In vitro full-field strain distribution on human thoracolumbar spine segment subjected to flexion, 2017, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: 23rd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, July 2 - 5, 2017, Seville, Spain, Seville, Spain, 2-5 July 2 017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Maria Luisa Ruspi, ; Marco, Palanca; Luigi La Barbera, ; Tomaso, Villa; Luca, Cristofolini, In vitro full-field strain investigation in intact spine and spinal fixator by means of DIC, in: In vitro full-field strain investigation in intact spine and spinal fixator by means of DIC, 2017, pp. 1 - 2 (atti di: The Italian Chapter of the European Society of Biomechanics, Rome, Italy, 28-29 September 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Danesi, Valentina; Tozzi, Gianluca; Soffiatti, Renzo; Cristofolini, Luca, Application of Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) to study the efficacy of prophylactic augmentation, «ORTHOPAEDIC PROCEEDINGS», 2017, 99-B, pp. 107 - 107 [Abstract]
Palanca, Marco; Cristofolini, Luca; Pani, Martino; Kinene, Edmond; Blunn, Gordon; Madi, K; Tozzi, Gianluca, Feasibility study for a clinical application of digital volume correlation, «ORTHOPAEDIC PROCEEDINGS», 2017, 99-B, pp. 18 - 18 [Abstract]
Morellato, Kavin; Fink, Bernd; Grupp, Thomas M; Cristofolini, Luca, Standard and line-to-line cementation of a short hip stem: a biomechanical test, «ORTHOPAEDIC PROCEEDINGS», 2017, 99-B, pp. 31 - 31 [Abstract]
Sensini, Alberto; Focarete, Maria Letizia; Gualandi, Chiara; Cristofolini, Luca, Biomechanical suitability of scaffolds made of electrospun bundles for tendon repair, «ORTHOPAEDIC PROCEEDINGS», 2017, 99-B, pp. 42 - 42 [Abstract]
Menichetti, Andrea; Gargiulo, Paolo; Gislason, Magnus Kjartan; Edmunds, Kyle; Hermansson, T; Jonsson, H Jr; Esposito, Luca; Bifulco, Paolo; Cesarelli, Mario; Fraldi, Massimiliano; Cristofolini, Luca, Assessment method for fracture risk and bone mineral density changes as support for implant decision making in total hip replacement, «ORTHOPAEDIC PROCEEDINGS», 2017, 99-B, pp. 111 - 111 [Abstract]
Palanca, Marco; Bodey, Andrew J; Giorgi, Mario; Viceconti, Marco; Lacroix, Damien; Cristofolini, Luca; Dall'Ara, Enrico, Synchrotron radiation for microtomography improves the precision of digital volume correlation for bone samples, «ORTHOPAEDIC PROCEEDINGS», 2017, 99-B, pp. 29 - 29 [Abstract]
Morosato, Federico; Cristofolini, Luca, Anatomical reference frame to grant reproducible in vitro biomechanical testing of the human hemi-pelvis, «ORTHOPAEDIC PROCEEDINGS», 2017, 99-B, pp. 29 - 29 [Abstract]
Palanca, Marco; Marco, Miguel Esteban; Ozog, Kamila; Cristofolini, Luca, In vitro evaluation of strain on a spine segment using a non-contact measurement technique, «ORTHOPAEDIC PROCEEDINGS», 2017, 99-B, pp. 120 - 120 [Abstract]
Dall'Ara, Enrico; Peña-Fernández, Marta; Palanca, Marco; Giorgi, Mario; Cristofolini, Luca; Tozzi, Gianluca, Precision of Digital Volume Correlation Approaches for Strain Analysis in Bone Imaged with Micro-Computed Tomography at Different Dimensional Levels, «FRONTIERS IN MATERIALS», 2017, 4, pp. 117 - 126 [Scientific article]
Palanca, Marco; Bodey, Andrew J; Giorgi, Mario; Viceconti, Marco; Lacroix, Damien; Cristofolini, Luca; Dall'Ara, Enrico, Local displacement and strain uncertainties in different bone types by digital volume correlation of synchrotron microtomograms, «JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS», 2017, 58, pp. 27 - 36 [Scientific article] Open Access
Costa, Maria Cristiana; Tozzi, Gianluca; Cristofolini, Luca; Danesi, Valentina; Viceconti, Marco; Dall'Ara, Enrico, Micro Finite Element models of the vertebral body: Validation of local displacement predictions, «PLOS ONE», 2017, 12, pp. e0180151 - e0180151 [Scientific article]
Danesi, Valentina; Faldini, Cesare; Cristofolini, Luca, Methods for the characterization of the long-term mechanical performance of cements for vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty: Critical review and suggestions for test methods, «JOURNAL OF MECHANICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY», 2017, 17, pp. 1 - 33 [Scientific article]
Falcinelli, Cristina; Schileo, Enrico; Baruffaldi, Fabio; Cristofolini, Luca; Taddei, Fulvia, THE EFFECT of COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY CURRENT REDUCTION on PROXIMAL FEMUR SUBJECT-SPECIFIC FINITE ELEMENT MODELS, «JOURNAL OF MECHANICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY», 2017, 17, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]