Scientific publications
De Crescenzio, F; Tassinari, M. E; Frizziero, L; Liverani, A; Marcuccio, M, XR Technologies in Mechanical Engineering Education, in: Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering IV. ADM 2024. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Cham, Springer, 2025, pp. 419 - 426 [Chapter or essay]
Mele, M.; Olmi, G., Tribology of threaded joints: Sustainable lubricants, in: Handbook of Bolts and Bolted Joints - Second Edition, Boca Raton, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, 2025, pp. 109 - 123 [Chapter or essay]
De Agostinis, M.; Fini, S., Vibration loosening analysis and simulation of preloaded threaded fasteners, in: Handbook of Bolts and Bolted Joints, Boca Raton (Florida), CRC Press, 2025, pp. 698 - 712 [Chapter or essay]
Demir, Ali Gökhan; Kriegler, Johannes; Fortunato, Alessandro; Caprio, Leonardo; Geiger, Christian; Hille, Lucas; Kick, Michael Karl; Ascari, Alessandro; Liverani, Erica; Zaeh, Michael F., Challenges and Opportunities for Laser Applications in Electric Vehicle Manufacturing, in: Challenges and Opportunities for Laser Applications in Electric Vehicle Manufacturing, /, Springer, Cham, 2024, pp. 219 - 253 (LECTURE NOTES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING) [Chapter or essay]
Grandi, Fabio; Khamaisi, Riccardo Karim; Morganti, Alessio; Peruzzini, Margherita; Pellicciari, Marcello, Human-Centric Design of Automated Production Lines Using Virtual Reality Tools and Human Data Analysis, in: F. J. G. Silva, L. P. Ferreira, J. C. Sá, M. T. Pereira, C. M. A. Pinto, 32nd International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM 2023, N.A., Springer Nature AG, 2024, pp. 518 - 526 (LECTURE NOTES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING) [Chapter or essay] Open Access
Lettori, Jacopo; Raffaeli, Roberto; Bilancia, Pietro; Borsato, Milton; Peruzzini, Margherita; Pellicciari, Marcello, Empirical Characterization of Track Dimensions for CMT-Based WAAM Processes, in: 32nd International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM 2023, N.A., Springer Nature AG, 2024, pp. 415 - 424 (LECTURE NOTES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING) [Chapter or essay] Open Access
Cafarella C.; Bortolini M.; Gabellini M.; Galizia F.G.; Ventura V., Energy Network Optimization Model for Supporting Generation Expansion Planning and Grid Design, in: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Singapore, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2024, pp. 239 - 251 (SMART INNOVATION, SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES) [Chapter or essay]
Bortolini M.; Calabrese F.; Ferrari E.; Galizia F.G.; Naldi L.D., A Heuristic Approach to Design a Crowd-Based Last-Mile Delivery Network, in: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Singapore, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2024, pp. 215 - 225 (SMART INNOVATION, SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES) [Chapter or essay]
Bortolini M.; Cafarella C.; Galizia F.G.; Gamberi M.; Naldi L.D., A Clustering-Based Algorithm for Product Platform Design in the Mass Customization Era, in: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Singapore, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2024, pp. 253 - 262 (SMART INNOVATION, SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES) [Chapter or essay]
Barbolini, Annalisa; Semprini, Giovanni; Santangelo, Angela; Mousli, Kindah, Strategies to Tackle Energy Poverty in Post-conflict Setting: The Case Study of Rural Damascus, in: Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2023, Singapore, Springer Nature, 2024, pp. 685 - 695 (SMART INNOVATION, SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES) [Chapter or essay] Open Access
Gabellini, Matteo; Calabrese, Francesca; Civolani, Lorenzo; Regattieri, Alberto; Mora, Cristina, A Data-Driven Approach to Predict Supply Chain Risk Due to Suppliers’ Partial Shipments, in: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Singapore, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2024, pp. 227 - 237 (SMART INNOVATION, SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES) [Chapter or essay]
Lesage, R.; Loewe, A.; Morales-Orcajo, E.; Viceconti, M., The Investigator: Modellers and Analysts., in: Toward Good Simulation Practice: Best Practices for the Use of Computational Modelling and Simulation in the Regulatory Process of Biomedical Products, Cham, Springer Cham, 2024, pp. 115 - 122 [Chapter or essay] Open Access
Viceconti, M.; Serigado, A.; Rousseau, C. F.; Voisin, E. M., Possible Qualification Pathways for In Silico Methodologies, in: Toward Good Simulation Practice: Best Practices for the Use of Computational Modelling and Simulation in the Regulatory Process of Biomedical Products., Berlin, Springer Cham, 2024, pp. 67 - 72 [Chapter or essay] Open Access
Courcelles E.; Horner M.; Afshari P.; Kulesza A.; Curreli C.; Vaghi C.; Morales-Orcajo E.; Pappalardo F.; Maquer G.; Russo G.; Geris L.; Viceconti M.; Neidlin M.; Favre P.; Lesage R.; Kreuzer S.; Carbone V., Model Credibility, in: Toward Good Simulation Practice: Best Practices for the Use of Computational Modelling and Simulation in the Regulatory Process of Biomedical Products., Berlin, Springer Cham, 2024, 2024, pp. 43 - 66 [Chapter or essay]
Dondo, Paolo; Viscardi, Michele; Viscardi, Mauro; Cardinali, Fabrizio; Chiabert, Paolo; D'Orazio, Tiziana; Melchiorri, Claudio; Pellicciari, Marcello; Peruzzini, Margherita; Scandelli, Nadia, Strategic Action Line LI3: Factories for Humans, in: null, Berlin, Springer Nature, 2024, pp. 101 - 112 (SPRINGER TRACTS IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING) [Chapter or essay] Open Access
Ida E.; Zoffoli F.; Carricato M., Hybrid-Control-Based Workspace Analysis of Overconstrained Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, in: Advances in Robot Kinematics 2024, Cham, Springer, 2024, pp. 324 - 331 (SPRINGER PROCEEDINGS IN ADVANCED ROBOTICS) [Chapter or essay]
Parenti-Castelli V.; Fava M.; Conconi M.; Sancisi N., A New 3-DOF Spherical Motion Master-Slave Mechanism, in: Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics, Cham, Springer Nature, 2024, pp. 61 - 68 (SPRINGER PROCEEDINGS IN ADVANCED ROBOTICS) [Chapter or essay]
Magri F.; Sciarra G.; Mottola G.; Lelli G.; Carricato M., Design and Modeling of a Dosing Unit in a Capsule-Filling Machine, in: Advances in Italian Mechanism Science, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of IFToMM Italy - Volume 1, Cham, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2024, pp. 179 - 188 (MECHANISMS AND MACHINE SCIENCE) [Chapter or essay]
Zoffoli F.; Coccia V.; Ida E.; Carricato M., A Rapid Initial-Pose Self-calibration Method for Underactuated Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, in: Advances in Italian Mechanism Science, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of IFToMM Italy - Volume 1, Cham, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2024, pp. 366 - 374 (MECHANISMS AND MACHINE SCIENCE) [Chapter or essay]
Sciarra G.; Mottola G.; Casamenti G.; Carricato M., An Innovative Low-Backlash Wolfrom Gearbox with Beveloid Gears for Robotic Applications, in: New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science, Proceedings of EuCoMeS 2024, Cham, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2024, pp. 337 - 346 (MECHANISMS AND MACHINE SCIENCE) [Chapter or essay]