Scientific publications
De Cesare M.; Cavina N.; Brugnoni E., Conceptual Design and Analytic Assessment of 48V Electric Hybrid Powertrain Architectures for Passenger Cars, in: Proceedings of 2019 WCX SAE World Congress Experience, SAE International, 2019, 2019-, pp. 1 - 21 (atti di: 2019 WCX SAE World Congress Experience, Detroit, USA, April 9-11, 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Francesco Ranuzzi, Nicolo Cavina, Guido Scocozza, Alessandro Brusa, Matteo De Cesare, Experimental Validation of a Model-Based Water Injection Combustion Control System for On-Board Application, in: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Engines & Vehicles, SAE INTERNATIONAL, 2019, pp. 1 - 12 (atti di: 14th International Conference on Engines & Vehicles, Capri, Naples, Italy, September 15-19, 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Zembi J.; Battistoni M.; Ranuzzi F.; Cavina N.; De Cesare M., CFD analysis of port water injection in a GDI engine under incipient knock conditions, «ENERGIES», 2019, 12, pp. 1 - 22 [Scientific article] Open Access
Caramia G.; Cavina N.; Moro D.; Patassa S.; Solieri L., Predictive NOx emission control of a diesel-HEV for CO2 and urea consumption reduction, in: AIP Conference Proceedings, American Institute of Physics Inc., 2019, 2191, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: 74th Conference of the Italian Thermal Machines Engineering Association, ATI 2019, Modena, Italy, 11–13 September 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Bianchini A., Guzzini A., Pellegrini M., Saccani C., Gaeta M.G., Archetti R., Coastal erosion mitigation through ejector devices application, in: Proceedings of the 9th Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research – Coastal zone strategies under climate change: engineering, geology, ecology, management and adaptation, Cosenza, EdiBios, 2019, pp. 13 - 18 (atti di: 9th Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research – Coastal zone strategies under climate change: engineering, geology, ecology, management and adaptation, Bari, 9-11 Settembre 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Saccani, C.; Damiani, L.; Bianchini, A.; Pellegrini, M.; Guzzini, A.; Archetti, R.; Saponieri, A.; Bruno, M. F.; Nobile, B., The seabed maintenance through a jet-pump device: the case study of Rodi Garganico (South Italy), in: Proceedings of the 9th Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research – Coastal zone strategies under climate change: engineering, geology, ecology, management and adaptation, Cosenza, EdiBios, 2019, pp. 25 - 30 (atti di: 9th Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research – Coastal zone strategies under climate change: engineering, geology, ecology, management and adaptation, Bari, 9-11 Settembre 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Zamani, Mohammadreza; Toschi, Stefania; Morri, Alessandro; Ceschini, Lorella; Seifeddine, Salem, Effect of Mo Addition on Room and High Temperature Tensile Behavior of Al-Si-Cu-Mg Alloy in As-Cast and Heat-Treated Conditions, in: Advanced Materials and Technologies III, Zurigo, Trans Tech Publications Ltd - Stanislav Kolisnychenko, 2019, pp. 71 - 79 (ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH) [Chapter or essay]
Maccari, P.; Mascari, F.; Ederli, S.; Manservisi, S.; Meloni, P., ANALYSIS OF A 2-INCHES GUILLOTINE BREAK OF THE DVI LINE IN AN IRIS-LIKE DESIGN BY USING ASTEC CODE, in: SFEN Societe Francaise d'Energie Nuclear, Proceedings of the International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants ICAPP 2019, 2019, pp. 1 - 11 (atti di: ICAPP 2019 – International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, France, Juan-les-pins, May 12-15 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Mariani Valerio, Bianchi, Cazzoli Giulio, Falfari Stefania, Fuel droplet-wall impingement under GDI-like conditions: A numerical investigation, in: 74TH ATI NATIONAL CONGRESS: Energy Conversion: Research, Innovation and Development for Industry and Territories, College Park, Maryland, American Institute of Physics Inc., «AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS», 2019, 2191, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: 74TH ATI NATIONAL CONGRESS: Energy Conversion: Research, Innovation and Development for Industry and Territories, Modena, Italy, 11–13 September 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Guidorzi P.; Lorenzini M., Thermal field measurements of heat sinks through a novel three-dimensional method based on acoustic waves, in: 74TH ATI NATIONAL CONGRESS: Energy Conversion: Research, Innovation and Development for Industry and Territories, New York, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019, pp. 1 - 8 (AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS) [Chapter or essay]
Lorenzini M.; Suzzi N., Thermal performance optimization of microchannels with smoothed corners assuming laminar flow and non-negligible viscous heating, in: AIP Conference Proceedings, New York, American Institute of Physics Inc., 2019, pp. 1 - 10 (AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS) [Chapter or essay]
Suzzi N.; Lorenzini M., Viscous heating of a laminar flow in the thermal entrance region of a rectangular channel with rounded corners and uniform wall temperature, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES», 2019, 145, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article] Open Access
Lucchi, M.; Suzzi, N.; Lorenzini, M., Dynamic model for convective heating of a wet brick during energy characterisation of domestic electric ovens, «APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING», 2019, 161, pp. 114117 - 114125 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bianchini A., Guzzini A., Pellegrini M., Saccani C., Natural Gas distribution networks: how failures’ databases can improve existing safety performances, in: Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco, AIDI - Italian Association of the Industrial Operations Professors, 2019, 2019-September, pp. 430 - 436 (atti di: 24th Summer School "Francesco Turco" - Industrial Systems Engineering 2019, Brescia, 11-13 settembre 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bianchini A., Pellegrini M., Saccani C., Simoni M., Design of atomized slip pneumatic conveying plant in ceramic industry by a simulator and experimental tests, in: Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco, AIDI - Italian Association of the Industrial Operations Professors, 2019, 2019-September, pp. 524 - 530 (atti di: 24th Summer School "Francesco Turco" - Industrial Systems Engineering 2019, Brescia, 11-13 settembre 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Viceconti, Marco; Ascani, Daniele; Mazzà, Claudia, Pre-operative prediction of soft tissue balancing in knee arthoplasty part 1: Effect of surgical parameters during level walking, «JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH», 2019, 37, pp. 1537 - 1545 [Scientific article]
Pennisi, Marzio; Russo, Giulia; Sgroi, Giuseppe; Bonaccorso, Angela; Parasiliti Palumbo, Giuseppe Alessandro; Fichera, Epifanio; Mitra, Dipendra Kumar; Walker, Kenneth B.; Cardona, Pere-Joan; Amat, Merce; Viceconti, Marco; Pappalardo, Francesco, Predicting the artificial immunity induced by RUTI® vaccine against tuberculosis using universal immune system simulator (UISS), «BMC BIOINFORMATICS», 2019, 20, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article] Open Access
van Veen, Bart; Montefiori, Erica; Modenese, Luca; Mazzà, Claudia; Viceconti, Marco, Muscle recruitment strategies can reduce joint loading during level walking, «JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS», 2019, 97, pp. 109368 - 109368 [Scientific article]
Altai, Zainab; Qasim, Muhammad; Li, Xinshan; Viceconti, Marco, The effect of boundary and loading conditions on patient classification using finite element predicted risk of fracture, «CLINICAL BIOMECHANICS», 2019, 68, pp. 137 - 143 [Scientific article] Open Access
Montefiori, Erica; Modenese, Luca; Di Marco, Roberto; Magni-Manzoni, Silvia; Malattia, Clara; Petrarca, Maurizio; Ronchetti, Anna; de Horatio, Laura Tanturri; van Dijkhuizen, Pieter; Wang, Anqi; Wesarg, Stefan; Viceconti, Marco; Mazzà, Claudia; MD-PAEDIGREE Consortium, Linking Joint Impairment and Gait Biomechanics in Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, «ANNALS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING», 2019, 47, pp. 2155 - 2167 [Scientific article] Open Access