Scientific publications
Celli, Michele; Kuznetsov, Andrey V., A new hydrodynamic boundary condition simulating the effect of rough boundaries on the onset of Rayleigh-Bénard convection, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER», 2018, 116, pp. 581 - 586 [Scientific article]
Celli, Michele; Barletta, Antonio, Onset of convection in a non-Newtonian viscous flow through a horizontal porous channel, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER», 2018, 117, pp. 1322 - 1330 [Scientific article]
Celli, Michele; Kuznetsov, Andrey V., A new mechanism for buoyancy driven convection in pulsating viscous flows: A theoretical study, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER», 2018, 118, pp. 340 - 348 [Scientific article]
Milovanovic , Miroslav B.; Antic , Dragan S.; Rajic , Milena N.; Milosavljevic , Pedja M.; Pavlovic , A.; Fragassa, C., Wood resource management using an endocrine NARX neural network, «HOLZ ALS ROH-UND WERKSTOFF», 2018, 76, pp. 687 - 697 [Scientific article]
Mara, Magni; Jean Pierre Campana, ; Gian Luca Morini,, Dynamic Simulation as a Tool for the Analysis of the Interactions Among the Controllers of HVAC Systems, in: Building Simulation Applications BSA 2017, Bolzano, bu,press, «BUILDING SIMULATION APPLICATIONS BSA ...», 2018, pp. 37 - 44 (atti di: 3rd IBPSA - Italy conference, Bolzano, 8-10/02/2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Campana Jean Pierre, ; Magni, Mara; Dongellini, Matteo; Morini Gian Luca,, The benchmark of a new SIMULINK library for the thermal dynamic simulation of buildings., in: Building Simulation Applications BSA 2017, Bolzano, bu,press, «BUILDING SIMULATION APPLICATIONS BSA ...», 2018, pp. 45 - 52 (atti di: 3rd IBPSA - Italy conference, Bolzano, 8-10/02/2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
de Angelis, Emanuele L., Stability analysis of a multirotor vehicle hovering condition, «AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY», 2018, 72, pp. 248 - 255 [Scientific article]
Dioni, Luca; Gressier, Vincent; Nardin, Gaã«lle; Jacqmin, Robert; Stout, Brian; Sumini, Marco, Tests of a solution-grown stilbene scintillator in mono-energetic neutron beams of 565 keV and 5 MeV, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION A, ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT», 2018, 880, pp. 210 - 215 [Scientific article]
Alberto, Martini; Marco, Troncossi; Nicolò, Vincenzi, Finite Element modelling of rotary transfer machines, in: SEECCM 2017 BOOK OF PROCEEDINGS, Kragujevac, SERBIAN SOCIETY FOR COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, 2018, pp. 187 - 197 (atti di: 4th South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics (SEECCM), Kragujevac, Serbia, 03-04 luglio 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Cristiano, Fragassa; Felipe Vannucchi de Camargo, ; Ana, Pavlovic, Green composites and safety: an impact study case, «NAUTECH», 2018, February, 2018, pp. 44 - 47 [Scientific article]
Puač, Nevena; Gherardi, Matteo; Shiratani, Masaharu, Plasma agriculture: A rapidly emerging field, «PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS», 2018, 15, pp. 1 - 5 [Scientific article]
Barletta, F.; Liguori, A.; Leys, Ch.; Colombo, V.; Gherardi, M.; Nikiforov, A., Novel method for NH-rich coatings engineering by means of aerosol assisted atmospheric pressure plasma deposition, «MATERIALS LETTERS», 2018, 214, pp. 76 - 79 [Scientific article]
Gherardi, Matteo; Tonini, Riccardo; Colombo, Vittorio, Plasma in Dentistry: Brief History and Current Status, «TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY», 2018, 36, pp. 583 - 585 [Scientific article]
Naldi, Claudia; Zanchini, Enzo, Effects of the total borehole length and of the heat pump inverter on the performance of a ground-coupled heat pump system, «APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING», 2018, 128, pp. 306 - 319 [Scientific article]
Francesco, Lolli; Rita, Gamberini; Mauro, Gamberi; Marco, Bortolini, The training of suppliers: A linear model for optimising the allocation of available hours, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING», 2018, 28, pp. 135 - 151 [Scientific article]
Riccardo, Accorsi; Marco, Bortolini; Emilio, Ferrari; Mauro, Gamberi; Francesco, Pilati, Class-based storage warehouse design with diagonal cross-aisle, «LOGFORUM», 2018, 14, pp. 101 - 112 [Scientific article] Open Access
Alberto, Regattieri; Marco, Bortolini; Emilio, Ferrari; Mauro, Gamberi; Francesco, Piana, Biogas Micro-Production from Human Organic Waste - A Research Proposal, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2018, 10, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article] Open Access
J.H. Nazzi Ehms , R. De Césaro Oliveski , L.A. Oliveira Rocha, C. Biserni, Theoretical and numerical analysis on phase change materials (PCM): A case study of the solidification process of erythritol in spheres, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER», 2018, 119, pp. 523 - 532 [Scientific article] Open Access
Paolo Valdiserri, Analysis of the Influence of Thermal Losses of the Recirculation Flow Loop in a Residential Hot Water Solar System, in: Building Simulation Applications BSA 2017, Bolzano, Bu,press, «BUILDING SIMULATION APPLICATIONS BSA ...», 2018, pp. 1 - 7 (atti di: 3rd IBPSA-Italy conference Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, 8 - 10 February 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Alsina, Emanuel F.; Chica, Manuel; Trawiński, Krzysztof; Regattieri, Alberto, On the use of machine learning methods to predict component reliability from data-driven industrial case studies, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY», 2018, 94, pp. 2419 - 2433 [Scientific article]