Scientific publications
Barletta, A; Celli, M., Instability of parallel buoyant flow in a vertical porous layer with an internal heat source, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER», 2017, 111, pp. 1063 - 1070 [Scientific article]
Antonio, Barletta; Adrian, Bejan: Briggs; Alberto, Cavallini; Renato, Cotta; Srinivas, Garimella; Leon, Glicksman; Geoffrey, Hewitt; Tassos, Karayiannis; Raj, Manglik; Minkowycz, W.J.; Khellil, Sefiane; Yas, Takata; John, Thome; Yoshio, Utaka; Huasheng, Wang; Hideo, Yoshida, Professor John W. Rose BScEng PhD DScEng(Lond) CEng FIMechE FASME on his 80th birthday, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER», 2017, 112, pp. 169 - 170 [Scientific article]
Zarei, Hamed; Brugo, Tommaso; Belcari, Juri; Bisadi, Hosein; Minak, Giangiacomo; Zucchelli, Andrea, Low velocity impact damage assessment of GLARE fiber-metal laminates interleaved by Nylon 6,6 nanofiber mats, «COMPOSITE STRUCTURES», 2017, 167, pp. 123 - 131 [Scientific article]
Sensini, Alberto; Gualandi, Chiara; Cristofolini, Luca; Tozzi, Gianluca; Dicarlo, Manuela; Teti, Gabriella; Mattioli-Belmonte, Monica; Focarete, Maria Letizia, Biofabrication of bundles of poly(lactic acid)-collagen blends mimicking the fascicles of the human Achille tendon, «BIOFABRICATION», 2017, 9, pp. 1 - 16 [Scientific article] Open Access
Manzini, Riccardo; Accorsi, Riccardo; Piana, Francesco; Regattieri, Alberto, Accelerated life testing for packaging decisions in the edible oils distribution, «FOOD PACKAGING AND SHELF LIFE», 2017, 12, pp. 114 - 127 [Scientific article]
Infantino, Angelo; Cicoria, Gianfranco; Lucconi, Giulia; Pancaldi, Davide; Vichi, Sara; Zagni, Federico; Mostacci, Domiziano; Marengo, Mario, Radiation Protection Studies for Medical Particle Accelerators using Fluka Monte Carlo Code, «RADIATION PROTECTION DOSIMETRY», 2017, 173, pp. 185 - 191 [Scientific article]
Savino, Matteo M; Manzini, Riccardo; Della Selva, Vincenzo; Accorsi, Riccardo, A new model for environmental and economic evaluation of renewable energy systems: The case of wind turbines, «APPLIED ENERGY», 2017, 189, pp. 739 - 752 [Scientific article]
Accorsi, Riccardo; Baruffaldi, Giulia; Manzini, Riccardo, Design and manage deep lane storage system layout. An iterative decision-support model, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY», 2017, 92, pp. 57 - 67 [Scientific article]
Falaschetti, M.P.; Scafè, M.; Tatì, A.; Troiani, E., Experimental determination of thickness influence on compressive residual strength of impacted carbon/epoxy laminate, «PROCEDIA STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY», 2017, 3, pp. 237 - 245 [Scientific article] Open Access
Accorsi, Riccardo; Bortolini, Marco; Gamberi, Mauro; Manzini, Riccardo; Pilati, Francesco, Multi-objective warehouse building design to optimize the cycle time, total cost, and carbon footprint, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY», 2017, 92, pp. 839 - 854 [Scientific article]
Bortolini, Marco; Gamberi, Mauro; Pilati, Francesco; Regattieri, Alberto; Accorsi, Riccardo, Design of an Innovative Plant for the Wastewater Recovery and Purification in the Food & Beverage Industry, in: Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2017. Selected papers on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 691 - 700 [Chapter or essay]
Accorsi, Riccardo; Manzini, Riccardo; Baruffaldi, Giulia; Bortolini, Marco, On Reconciling Sustainable Plants and Networks Design for By-Products Management in the Meat Industry, in: Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2017, Selected papers on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 682 - 690 [Chapter or essay]
Colombo, Marco; Gariboldi, Elisabetta; Morri, Alessandro, Er addition to Al-Si-Mg-based casting alloy: Effects on microstructure, room and high temperature mechanical properties, «JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS», 2017, 708, pp. 1234 - 1244 [Scientific article]
Morri, A.; Ceschini, L.; Pellizzari, M.; Menapace, C.; Vettore, F.; Veneri, E., Effect of the austempering process on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 27MnCrB5-2 steel, «ARCHIVES OF METALLURGY AND MATERIALS», 2017, 62, pp. 643 - 651 [Scientific article]
Zamani, Mohammadreza; Morini, Lorenzo; Ceschini, Lorella; Seifeddine, Salem, The role of transition metal additions on the ambient and elevated temperature properties of Al-Si alloys, «MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING», 2017, 693, pp. 42 - 50 [Scientific article]
Campana, Giampaolo; Mele, Mattia; Cimatti, Barbara, A combination of life cycle assessment and knowledge based engineering to evaluate the sustainability of industrial products, in: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Cham, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2017, pp. 314 - 324 [Chapter or essay]
Del Borrello, Michele; Secchi, Matteo; Campana, Giampaolo; Mele, Mattia, Experimental investigation into the use of natural rein-forcements for sustainable composite materials, in: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Cham, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2017, pp. 460 - 469 [Chapter or essay]
Liverani, E.; Sorgente, D.; Ascari, A.; Scintilla, L.D.; Palumbo, G.; Fortunato, A, Development of a model for the simulation of laser surface heat treatments with use of a physical simulator, «JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING PROCESSES», 2017, 26, pp. 262 - 268 [Scientific article]
Botti, Lucia; Mora, Cristina; Regattieri, Alberto, Integrating ergonomics and lean manufacturing principles in a hybrid assembly line, «COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING», 2017, 111, pp. 481 - 491 [Scientific article]
Botti, Lucia; Mora, Cristina; Ferrari, Emilio, A methodology for the identification of confined spaces in industry, in: SUSTAINABLE DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING 2017, Cham, Springer Science and Business Media, 2017, pp. 701 - 709 (SMART INNOVATION, SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES) [Chapter or essay]