Scientific publications
Dongellini, Matteo; Naldi, Claudia; Morini, Gian Luca, Sizing effects on the energy performance of reversible air-source heat pumps for office buildings, «APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING», 2017, 114, pp. 1073 - 1081 [Scientific article]
Ceruti, Alessandro; Liverani, Alfredo; Bombardi, Tiziano, Augmented vision and interactive monitoring in 3D printing process, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON INTERACTIVE DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING», 2017, 11, pp. 385 - 395 [Scientific article]
Lorenzini, M; Valdiserri, P.; Pagnoni, M., The role of the saver in a HPLCs heat transfer process: A transient analysis, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES», 2017, 796, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]
Lucchi, M.; Lorenzini, M.; Valdiserri, P, Energy performance of a ventilation system for a block of apartments with a ground source heat pump as generation system, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES», 2017, 796, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]
Amadori, Stefano; Catania, Giuseppe, Robust identification of the mechanical properties of viscoelastic non standard materials by means of frequency domain experimental measurements, «COMPOSITE STRUCTURES», 2017, 169, pp. 79 - 89 [Scientific article]
Botti, Lucia; Ferrari, Emilio; Mora, Cristina, Automated entry technologies for confined space work activities: A survey, «JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIENE», 2017, 14, pp. 271 - 284 [Scientific article]
Amadori, S; Catania, G., Non parametric identification of the constitutive model of non-standard viscoelastic materials by means of dynamical measurements, in: AIP Conference Proceedings, new york, American Institute of Physics Inc., 2017, 1809, pp. 2 - 13 (atti di: 6th International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress and Exhibition, APMAS 2016, Steigenberger Hotel Maslak, tur, 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Ancona, M.; Bianchi, M.; Branchini, L.; De Pascale, A.; Melino, F., Performance Increase of a Small-Scale Liquefied Natural Gas Production Process by Means of Turbo-Expander, «ENERGY PROCEDIA», 2017, 105, pp. 4859 - 4865 [Scientific article]
Ancona, M.; Bianchi, M.; Branchini, L.; De Pascale, A.; Melino, F.; Peretto, A., Experimental Investigation On A Solar/Hydrogen-Based Microgrid, «ENERGY PROCEDIA», 2017, 105, pp. 343 - 349 [Scientific article]
Sumini, M.; Isolan, L.; Cucchi, G.; Sghedoni, R.; Iori, M., A Monte Carlo model for photoneutron generation by a medical LINAC, «RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY», 2017, 140, pp. 345 - 348 [Scientific article]
Brito da Luz, Simao; Modenese, Luca; Sancisi, Nicola; Mills, Peter M.; Kennedy, Ben; Beck, Belinda R.; Lloyd, David G., Feasibility of using MRIs to create subject-specific parallel-mechanism joint models, «JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS», 2017, 53, pp. 45 - 55 [Scientific article]
Barbara Cimatti; Giampaolo Campana; Laura Carluccio, Eco Design and Sustainable Manufacturing in Fashion: A Case Study in the Luxury Personal Accessories Industry, «PROCEDIA MANUFACTURING», 2017, 8, pp. 393 - 400 [Scientific article]
Naldi, C.; Zanchini, E., Hourly simulation of a Ground-Coupled Heat Pump system, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES», 2017, 796, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]
Naldi, Claudia; Zanchini, Enzo, Dynamic simulation during summer of a reversible multi-function heat pump with condensation-heat recovery, «APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING», 2017, 116, pp. 126 - 133 [Scientific article]
Ceruti, Alessandro; Ferrari, Riccardo; Liverani, Alfredo, Design for Additive Manufacturing Using LSWM: A CAD Tool for the Modelling of Lightweight and Lattice Structures, in: Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2017. SDM 2017. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 68., Cham, Switzerland, Springer, 2017, 68, pp. 756 - 765 (atti di: 4th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (KES-SDM 2017), Bologna, Italia, 26-28 Aprile 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Giampaolo Campana; Fabio Lenzi; Francesco Melosi; Andrea Zanotti, Sustainability of Die-Assisted Quenching Technology and Comparison with Traditional Processes, in: Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2017, Cham, G. Campana, R. Howlett, R. Setchi, B. Cimatti, 2017, pp. 162 - 171 [Chapter or essay]
Barletta, Antonio; Alves, Leonardo S. de B., Absolute instability: A toy model and an application to the Rayleigh–Bénard problem with horizontal flow in porous media, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER», 2017, 104, pp. 438 - 455 [Scientific article]
Braga, Nelson R.; Brandão, Pedro V.; Alves, Leonardo S. de B; Barletta, Antonio, Convective instability induced by internal and external heating in a fluid saturated porous medium, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER», 2017, 108, pp. 2393 - 2402 [Scientific article]
Barletta, A; Miklavčič, M., Instability of fully developed mixed convection with viscous dissipation in a vertical porous channel, «TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA», 2017, 117, pp. 337 - 347 [Scientific article]