Scientific publications
E. Poodts; R. Panciroli; G. Minak, Design rules for composite sandwich wakeboards, «COMPOSITES. PART B, ENGINEERING», 2013, 44, pp. 628 - 638 [Scientific article]
C.A. Persiani; S.Bagassi, Route Planner for Unmanned Aerial System Insertion in Civil Non-Segregated Airspace, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. PART G, JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING», 2013, Volume 227 Issue 4, April 2013, pp. 687 - 702 [Scientific article]
L. Ceschini; Alessandro Morri; Andrea Morri, Effects of the Delay Between Quenching and Aging on Hardness and Tensile Properties of A356 Aluminum Alloy, «JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE», 2013, 22 (1), pp. 200 - 205 [Scientific article]
M. Tehrani Dehkordi; H. Nosraty; M. M. Shokrieh; G. Minak; D. Ghelli, The influence of hybridization on impact damage behavior and residual compression strength of intraply basalt/nylon hybrid composites, «MATERIALS & DESIGN», 2013, 43, pp. 283 - 290 [Scientific article]
Ciocca L.; Fantini M.; De Crescenzio F.; Corinaldesi G.; Scotti R., CAD-CAM prosthetically guided bone regeneration using preformed titanium mesh for the reconstruction of atrophic maxillary arches., «COMPUTER METHODS IN BIOMECHANICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING», 2013, 16, pp. 26 - 32 [Scientific article]
Massimiliano, Fantini; Francesca, De Crescenzio; Leonardo, Ciocca, Design and Rapid Manufacturing of anatomical prosthesis for facial rehabilitation, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON INTERACTIVE DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING», 2013, 7, pp. 51 - 62 [Scientific article]
Carricato M.; Merlet J.-P., Stability Analysis of Underconstrained Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS», 2013, 29, pp. 288 - 296 [Scientific article]
MANZINI R.; ACCORSI R., The new conceptual framework for food supply chain assessment, «JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING», 2013, 115, pp. 251 - 263 [Scientific article]
L. CESCHINI; A. MARCONI; C. MARTINI; A. MORRI; A. DI SCHINO, Tensile and impact behaviour of a microalloyed medium carbon steel: effect of the cooling condition and corresponding microstructure, «MATERIALS & DESIGN», 2013, 45, pp. 171 - 178 [Scientific article]
F. Rotundo; A.Marconi; A. Morri; L. Ceschini, Dissimilar linear friction welding between a SiC particle reinforced aluminum composite and a monolithic aluminum alloy: microstructural, tensile and fatigue properties, «MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING», 2013, 559, pp. 852 - 860 [Scientific article]
B. Belvedere; M. Bianchi; A. Borghetti; A. De Pascale; M. Paolone; R. Vecci, Experimental analysis of a PEM fuel cell performance at variable load with anodic exhaust management optimization, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY», 2013, 38, pp. 385 - 393 [Scientific article]
H. Saghafi; A. Zucchelli; G. Minak, Evaluating fracture behavior of brittle polymeric materials using an IASCB specimen, «POLYMER TESTING», 2013, 32, pp. 133 - 140 [Scientific article]
Fantini M.; De Crescenzio F.; Ciocca L., Design and manufacturing of customized surgical devices for mandibular rehabilitation, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON INTERACTIVE DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING», 2013, 7, pp. 227 - 237 [Scientific article]
A. Ceruti; G.Caligiana; F.Persiani, Comparative evaluation of different optimization methodologies for the design of UAVs having shape obtained by hot wire cutting techniques., «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON INTERACTIVE DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING», 2013, 7, pp. 63 - 78 [Scientific article]
Bortolini M; Gamberi M; Graziani A; Manzini R; Mora C, Multi-location model for the estimation of the horizontal daily diffuse fraction of solar radiation in Europe, «ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT», 2013, 67, pp. 208 - 216 [Scientific article]
Hossein Heidary; Mehdi Ahmadi; Abdolreza Rahimi; Giangiacomo Minak, Wavelet-based acoustic emission characterization of residual strength of drilled composite materials, «JOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS», 2013, 47, pp. 2897 - 2908 [Scientific article]
Poodts E. ; Minak G. ; Zucchelli A., Impact of sea-water on the quasi static and fatigue flexural properties of GFRP, «COMPOSITE STRUCTURES», 2013, 97, pp. 222 - 230 [Scientific article]
N. Zarif Karimi; H. Heidarya; G. Minak; M. Ahmadi, Effect of the drilling process on the compression behavior of glass/epoxy laminates, «COMPOSITE STRUCTURES», 2013, 98, pp. 59 - 68 [Scientific article]
R. Panciroli; S. Abrate ; G. Minak, Dynamic response of flexible wedges entering the water, «COMPOSITE STRUCTURES», 2013, 99, pp. 163 - 171 [Scientific article]