Scientific publications
L. Piancastelli; L. Frizziero; E. Morganti; A. Canaparo, EMBODIMENT OF AN INNOVATIVE SYSTEM DESIGN IN A SPORTSCAR FACTORY, «FAR EAST JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS», 2012, 9, pp. 69 - 98 [Scientific article]
L. Piancastelli; L. Frizziero; E. Morganti; A. Canaparo, The Electronic Stability Program controlled by a Fuzzy Algorithm tuned for tyre burst issues, «FAR EAST JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS», 2012, 9, pp. 49 - 68 [Scientific article]
A. Palli; P. Tortora, Selection of Mercury’s Surface Features Coordinates for the BepiColombo Rotation Experiment, in: Astrodynamics 2011 - ADVANCES IN THE ASTRONAUTICAL SCIENCES, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, Univelt, Inc., «ADVANCES IN THE ASTRONAUTICAL SCIENCES», 2012, 142, pp. 1851 - 1866 (atti di: AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Girdwood, Alaska , USA, July 31 - August 4 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
D. Modenini; P. Tortora, Re-examination of Pioneer 10 tracking data including spacecraft thermal modeling, in: Astrodynamics 2011 - ADVANCES IN THE ASTRONAUTICAL SCIENCES, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, Univelt, Inc., «ADVANCES IN THE ASTRONAUTICAL SCIENCES», 2012, 142, pp. 1583 - 1592 (atti di: AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Girdwood, Alaska , USA, July 31 - August 4 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Corbelli; D. Bruzzi; P. Tortora; M. Bocciarelli; B. Geffroy, THE ADAPTER AND SEPARATION SYSTEMS SERIES FOR THE VEGA LAUNCH VEHICLE, in: Proceedings of the 4S 2012, NOORDWIJK, European Space Agency, 2012, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: Small Satellites Systems and Services - The 4S Symposium 2012, Portorož, Slovenia, 4 - 8 June 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
V. Fabbri; P. Tortora, PAYLOAD ORBITAL SEPARATION AND POLLUTION ANALYSIS TOOL FOR CLUSTER LAUNCHES OF SMALL SATELLITES, in: Proceedings of the 4S 2012, NOORDWIJK, European Space Agency, 2012, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: Small Satellites Systems and Services - The 4S Symposium 2012, Portorož, Slovenia, 4-8 GIugno 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
D. Cinarelli; P. Tortora, TT&C System for the ALMASat-EO Microsatellite Platform, in: Proceedings of the First International ESTEL Conference - 2012, s.l, IEEE, 2012, pp. 1 - 7 (atti di: ESTEL Conference 2012, Rome, October 2-5, 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. De Pascale; U. Mencherini, Attività di sviluppo di un banco prova per sistemi microcogenerativi "FC-based" e alcune prove sperimentali - Test bench for Micro-CHP integrated system & experimental results on a PEM-FC, in: Atti del Primo workshop italiano su celle a combustibile, s.l, s.n, 2012, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: Primo workshop italiano su celle a combustibile, Perugia, 22/23 Novembre 2012) [Abstract]
B. Ganapol; P. Picca; A. Previti; D. Mostacci, The solution of the point kinetics equations via converged accelerated taylor series (CATS), in: Proceedings of the Physor 2012, LAGRANGE PARK, IL, American Nuclear Society, 2012, 4, pp. 3391 - 3409 (atti di: International Conference on the Physics of Reactors 2012: Advances in Reactor Physics, PHYSOR 2012, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, April 15-20, 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Barletta; D. A. Nield, On Hadley flow in a porous layer with vertical heterogeneity, «JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS», 2012, 710, pp. 304 - 323 [Scientific article]
A. Barletta; D. A. Nield, Variable viscosity effects on the dissipation instability in a porous layer with horizontal throughflow, «PHYSICS OF FLUIDS», 2012, 24, pp. 104102-1 - 104102-18 [Scientific article]
A. Barletta, Thermoconvective instability induced by viscous dissipation, in: 14th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering ENCIT 2012, RIO DE JANEIRO, ENCIT 2012, 2012, pp. 399-1 - 399-9 (atti di: 14th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering ENCIT 2012, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, November 18-22, 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G.L. Morini, The rules of single-phase forced convection in microchannels, in: Proc. of 10th ASME-ICNMM Int. Conf. on Nano Micro and Minichannels, New York, ASME, 2012, pp. 1 - 12 (atti di: ICNMM2012, Puerto Rico USA, July 8-12 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Geri M.; Magnini M.; Pulvirenti B.; Morini G.L., Influence of Variable Properties on Electro-osmotic Flows Through Rectangular Microchannels, in: Proc. of 3rd European Microfluidics Conference (mFlu12), PARIS, SHF, 2012, pp. 1 - 12 (atti di: 3rd European Microfluidics Conference „μFlu2012“, Heidelberg, Germany, December, 3-5 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Y. Yang; I. Gerken; J. Brandner; G.L. Morini, Design and Experimental Investigation of A Gas-to-Gas Counter Flow Micro Heat Exchanger, in: Proc. of 3rd European Microfluidics Conference (mFlu12), PARIS, SHF, 2012, pp. 1 - 15 (atti di: 3rd European Microfluidics Conference "μFlu2012“, Heidelberg, Germany, December, 3-5 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
P. Vocale; M. Geri; G.L. Morini; M. Spiga; L. Cattani, Numerical Analysis Of Electro-Osmotic Flows Through Elliptic Microchannels, in: Proc. of 3rd European Microfluidics Conference (mFlu12, PARIS, SHF, 2012, pp. 1 - 11 (atti di: 3rd European Microfluidics Conference „μFlu2012“, Heidelberg, Germany, December, 3-5 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Buchina O.; Valougeorgis D.; Morini G.L., The response of a rarefied gas in a slab due to various time-dependent boundary heating configurations, in: Proc. of 28th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Zaragoza, s.n, 2012, 1, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: 28th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Zaragoza (Spain), July 9-13, 2012) [Abstract]
Brandner J.J.; Vittoriosi A.; Yang Y.; Morini G.L., Microstructure Devices for Heat Transfer Studies in Gas Flows, in: Proc. of 28th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Zaragoza, s.n, 2012, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: 28th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Zaragoza (Spain), July 9-13, 2012) [Abstract]
S.Bna; G. Bornia; S. Manservisi, A Monolithic FEM Multigrid Penalty-Projection Solver for Incompressible Fluid-Structure Interaction, in: Proceedings of the first ECCOMAS-YIC2012 Conference on computational method in applied sciences, AVEIRO, Universidade de Aveiro, 2012, pp. 1 - 14 (atti di: First ECCOMAS-YIC2012 Conference on computational method in applied sciences, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, April, 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. Bornia; S. Manservisi, Coupled boundary optimal control problems in thermal fluid dynamics with lifting function approach and Vanka-type solvers, in: Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), VIENNA, Vienna University of Technology, 2012, pp. 3310 - 3328 (atti di: 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), Vienna, Austria, September, 10-14, 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]