Scientific publications
MANZINI R., Warehousing in the Global Supply Chain. Advanced Models, Tools and Applications for Storage Systems, LONDON, Springer, 2012, pp. 483 . [Editorship]
S. Lazzari; E. Rossi di Schio, Proceedings of 30th UIT Heat Transfer Conference, BOLOGNA, Società Editrice Esculapio, 2012, pp. 447 . [Editorship]
V. Parenti Castelli; M. Troncossi, Grasping the Future: Advances in Powered Upper Limb Prosthetics, SAIF ZONE, Bentham Science Publishers, 2012, pp. 111 . [Editorship]
Oberlack M.; Peinke J.; Talamelli A.; Castillo L.; Hölling M. (a cura di): Oberlack, M.; Peinke, J.; Talamelli, A.; Castillo, L.; Hölling, M., Progress in Turbulence and Wind Energy IV, Heidelberg, Springer, 2012, pp. 2 (SPRINGER PROCEEDINGS IN PHYSICS). [Editorship]
G. Berselli; R. Vertechy; G. Vassura (a cura di): -, Smart Actuation and Sensing Systems - Recent Advances and Future Challenges, RIJEKA, InTech, 2012, pp. 728 . [Editorship]