Scientific publications
L. Donati; L. Tomesani, The use of extruded profiles as filling material in Friction Stir Welding (FSW), in: Advances on Hot Extrusion and Simulation of Light alloys, Stäfa, Trans Tech Publications, «KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS», 2010, 424, pp. 137 - 144 (atti di: International Conference on Extrusion and Benchmark., Dortmund, 16-17 settembre 2009 .) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
D. Pietzka; N. Ben Khalifa; L. Donati; L. Tomesani; A. E. Tekkaya, Extrusion Benchmark 2009 - Experimental analysis of deflection in extrusion dies, in: Advances on hot extrusion and simulation of light alloys, Stäfa, Trans Tech Publications, «KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS», 2010, 424, pp. 19 - 26 (atti di: International Conference on Extrusion and Benchmark, Dortmund, 16-17 settembre 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
BINDI F.; FERRARI E.; MANZINI R.; PARESCHI A, Correlated Storage Assignment and Isotime Mapping for Profiling Sku, in: ROBERT W.GRUBBSTROM AND HANS H. HINTERHUBER, Sixteen International Working Seminar on Production Economics Volume 3, INNSBRUCK, s.n, 2010, 3, pp. 27 - 41 (atti di: XVI International Working Seminar on production Economics, Innsbruck (Austria), March 1-5, 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Rossetti; V. Dal Re; A. Zucchelli, Mechanical Behaviour of Functionally Graded Composite Vitreous Enamelled Steel Sheets, in: Advanced Materials Forum V, Stäfa, Trans Tech Publications, «MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM», 2010, pp. 1483 - 1489 (atti di: 5th International Materials Symposium/14th Conference of the Sociedade-Portuguesa-de-Materiais, Lisbon, 05-08 aprile 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. Grasso;C. Artioli; S. Monti; F. Rocchi; M. Sumini, The effectiveness of the ELSY concept with respect to minor actinide transmutation capability, in: Actinide and fission product partitioning and transmutationTenth Information Exchange MeetingMito Japan 6-10 October 2008, s.l, Nuclear Energy Agency, 2010, pp. 379 - 386 (atti di: Tenth Information Exchange Meeting, Mito Japan, 6-10 October 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
S. Ricci; M. Troncossi; A. Rivola, Flexible multibody modeling of a racing motorcycle cranktrain: model reduction issues, in: Proceedings of The First Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics, LAPPEENRANTA, Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology, 2010, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: IMSD 2010, The First Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics, Lappeenranta, Finland, May 25 - 27, 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bellucci P.; Borchi F.; Bellomini R.; Garai M.; Luzzi M., Criteri tecnici e considerazioni per l’attuazione delle disposizioni comunitarie (relazione ad invito), in: Atti del Seminario "Riflessioni e proposte per l’evoluzione della legislazione sul rumore ambientale", SIRACUSA, s.n, 2010, pp. 43 - 73 (atti di: Seminario AIA-GAA "Riflessioni e proposte per l’evoluzione della legislazione sul rumore ambientale", Siracusa, 26 Maggio 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
D’Orazio D.; Barbaresi L.; Semprini G.; Garai M., Diffusione e controllo modale in geometrie ottagonali: il caso delle Torri dell’Acqua di Budrio, in: Atti 37° Convegno Nazionale A.I.A., ROMA, Associazione Italiana di Acustica, 2010, 1, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: 37° Convegno Nazionale A.I.A., Siracusa, 26-28 Maggio 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Garai, Massimo; Guidorzi, Paolo, Effect of slit-shaped leaks on airborne sound insulation of noise barriers, in: InterNoise10, «NOISE-CON PROCEEDINGS», 2010, pp. 5323 - 5329 (atti di: Inter-Noise 2010 "Noise and Sustainability", Lisbon, 13-16 June 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Troncossi M.; Caminati R.; Davalli A.; Parenti Castelli V., Conceptual Design of a Powered Humeral Rotator for Upper Limb Prostheses, in: Proceedings of the 13th ISPO World Congress, s.l, s.n, 2010, pp. 398 - 399 (atti di: 13th World Congress of the International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics, Leipzig (Germany), 12-15 May, 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Garai M., Recent advances in noise barrier testing, qualifying and standardisation (invited plenary lecture), in: Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics & Belgium Acoustical Society, LONDON, Institute of Acoustics, 2010, 32(3), pp. 132 - 139 (atti di: Joint IoA–ABAV meeting "Noise in the Built Environment", Ghent (Belgium), 29-30 April 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Clairbois J.-P.; de Roo F.; Garai M.; Conter M.; Défrance J.; Oltean-Dumbrava C.; Fusco I., QUIESST: toward a better knowledge and understanding of how efficient noise barriers could actually be, in: Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics & Belgium Acoustical Society, LONDON, Institute of Acoustics, 2010, 32(3), pp. 36 - 43 (atti di: Joint IoA-ABAV meeting "Noise in the built environment", Ghent (Belgium), 29-30 april 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. Olmi; A. Freddi, Fatica oligociclica su cappe e rotori di turboalternatori, in: U. MENEGHETTI, A. MAGGIORE, V. PARENTI CASTELLI, Terza giornata di studio Ettore Funaioli - 16 luglio 2009, BOLOGNA, Asterisco Snc Tipografia Digitale, 2010, 1, pp. 117 - 142 (atti di: Terza giornata di studio Ettore Funaioli, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università di Bologna, 16 luglio 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Carminelli; G. Catania, B-spline Finite element updating of a railway bridge deck, in: Proceedings of the XVIIth Symposium Vibration Chocs & Bruit VCB2010, LYON, French mechanical society (AFM), 2010, 1, pp. 1 - 13 (atti di: XVIIth Symposium Vibration Chocs & Bruit VCB2010, Lyon, June 15-17, 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. Catania; N. Mancinelli, A theoretical-experimental model of a milling machine tool for chatter prediction, in: Proceedings of the XVIIth Symposium Vibration Chocs & Bruit VCB2010, LYON, French mechanical society (AFM), 2010, 1, pp. 1 - 15 (atti di: XVIIth Symposium Vibration Chocs & Bruit VCB2010, Lyon, June 15-17, 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. Catania; S. Sorrentino, Dynamic analysis of railway bridges by means of the spectral method, in: Proceedings of the XVIIth Symposium Vibration Chocs & Bruit VCB2010, LYON, French mechanical society (AFM), 2010, 1, pp. 1 - 15 (atti di: XVIIth Symposium Vibration Chocs & Bruit VCB2010, Lyon, June 15-17, 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. Minak, On the Notch Effect in Low Temperature Carburized Stainless Steel under Fatigue, in: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, s.l, EURASEM, 2010(atti di: ICEM 14, Poitiers, 4-9 settembre 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. Olmi; A. Freddi, LCF on turbogenerator rotors and coil retaining rings: material characterization and sensitivity analyses, in: F. BREMAND, ICEM14 - 14th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, LES ULIS CEDEX, EDP Sciences, 2010, 1, pp. 1 - 9 (atti di: ICEM14 - 14th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Poitiers, France, 4-9 Luglio 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Olmi, Giorgio; Freddi, Alessandro, Low Cycle Fatigue behaviour and anisotropy of two steels for turbogenerator coil retaining rings and rotors, in: 9th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, TRIESTE, GRUPPO ITALIANO FRATTURA, 2010, 1, pp. 188 - 192 (atti di: 9th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Trieste, 7-10 Luglio 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. Olmi, A new loading-constraining device for mechanical testing with misalignment auto-compensation, in: 9th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, TRIESTE, GRUPPO ITALIANO FRATTURA, 2010, 1, pp. 147 - 150 (atti di: 9th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Trieste, 7-10 Luglio 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]