Scientific publications
G. Caligiana; R. Cuppini; D. Grosso; A. Liverani, Progettazione di un sistema per l'azionamento di benne setacciatrici universali (II parte), «IL PROGETTISTA INDUSTRIALE», 2009, 2 - anno 29, pp. 46 - 51 [Scientific article]
G.Catania; S. Sorrentino, Experimental evaluation of the damping properties of beams and thin-walled structures made of polymeric materials, in: Proceedings of IMAC XXVII, BETHEL, CT, SEM, 2009, 1, pp. 1 - 12 (atti di: IMAC-XXVII Conference and exposition on Structural Dynamics, Orlando, Florida, Usa, February, 9-12, 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
D.A. Nield; A. Barletta, The Horton-Rogers-Lapwood problem revisited: the effect of pressure work, «TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA», 2009, 77, pp. 143 - 158 [Scientific article]
M. Lorenzini; G.L. Morini; T. Henning; J.J. Brandner, Uncertainty assessment in friction factor measurements as a tool to design experimental set-ups, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES», 2009, 48, pp. 282 - 289 [Scientific article]
REGATTIERI A.; BELLOMI G.;, Innovative lay-up system in plywood manufacturing process, «HOLZ ALS ROH-UND WERKSTOFF», 2009, 67, pp. 55 - 62 [Scientific article]
G. Campana; A. Ascari; A. Fortunato; G. Tani, Hybrid laser-MIG welding of Aluminium alloys: the influence of shielding gases, in: null, 2009, 255 (10), pp. 5588 - 5590 (atti di: Int. Conf. EMRS 2008 (European Materials Research Society)- Spring Meeting, Strasbourg (France), 26 – 30 May, 2008.) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
E. Aulisa; A. Cervone; S. Manservisi; P. Seshaiyer, A multilevel domain decomposition approach for studying coupled flow applications, «COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS», 2009, 6, pp. 319 - 341 [Scientific article]
D. Copiello; G. Fabbri, Multi-objective genetic optimization of the heat transfer from longitudinal wavy fins, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER», 2009, 52, pp. 1167 - 1176 [Scientific article]
Troncossi M.; Borghi C.; Chiossi M.; Davalli A.; Parenti Castelli V., Development of a Prosthetic Shoulder Mechanism for Upper Limb Amputees: Application of an Original Design Methodology to Optimize Functionality and Wearability, «MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING», 2009, 47, pp. 523 - 531 [Scientific article]
Troncossi M.; Gruppioni E.; Chiossi M.; Cutti A.G.; Davalli A.; Parenti Castelli V., A Novel Electromechanical Shoulder Articulation for Upper-Limb Prostheses: from the Design to the First Clinical Application, «JOURNAL OF PROSTHETICS AND ORTHOTICS», 2009, 21(2), pp. 79 - 90 [Scientific article]
L. CIOCCA; F. DE CRESCENZIO; M. FANTINI; R. SCOTTI, CAD/CAM and rapid prototyped scaffold construction for bone regenerative medicine and surgical transfer of virtual planning: a pilot study., «COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS», 2009, 33(1), pp. 58 - 62 [Scientific article]
De Angelis E.; Casciola C.M.; Piva R., Dynamics of viscoelastic wall turbulence in different ranges of scales, in: Progress in Turbulence III, S.L., Springer, «SPRINGER PROCEEDINGS IN PHYSICS», 2009, 131, pp. 195 - 198 (atti di: iTi 2008, Bertinoro, Settembre 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
S. Mannucci; D. Mostacci; F. Rocchi1; M. Sumini; E. Angeli; A. Tartari, Effect of a cathodic knife edge on the PFMA-1 pinch performance, «PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY», 2009, 18, pp. 025016-1 - 025016-7 [Scientific article]
E. Ceccolini; I. Gerardy; J. Ródenas; M. Van Dycke; S. Gallardo; D. Mostacci, MCNP modelling of vaginal and uterine applicators used in intracavitary brachytherapy and comparison with radiochromic film measurements, «RADIATION EFFECTS AND DEFECTS IN SOLIDS», 2009, 164, pp. 319 - 324 [Scientific article]
A. Infantino; G. Cicoria; D. Pancaldi; S. Boschi; M. Marengo; D. Mostacci, Undesired Radionuclides in 18F2 Production by Deuterons, «RADIATION EFFECTS AND DEFECTS IN SOLIDS», 2009, 164, pp. 336 - 339 [Scientific article]
A. Luciani; P. Panfili; R. Furfaro; B.D. Ganapol; D. Mostacci, Estimating water and ice content on planetary soils using neutron measurements: a neural network approach, «RADIATION EFFECTS AND DEFECTS IN SOLIDS», 2009, 164, pp. 345 - 349 [Scientific article]
P. Panfili; A. Luciani; R. Furfaro; B.D. Ganapol; D. Mostacci, Modelling Neutron Transport in Planetary Media via Analytical Multigroup Diffusion Theory, «RADIATION EFFECTS AND DEFECTS IN SOLIDS», 2009, 164, pp. 340 - 344 [Scientific article]
D. Mostacci; G. Chiodini; C. Berti; O. Tinazzi, Carbon-14 as a Marker of Seismic Activity, «RADIATION EFFECTS AND DEFECTS IN SOLIDS», 2009, 164, pp. 376 - 381 [Scientific article]
Carricato M.; Gosselin C., A Statically Balanced Gough/Stewart-type Platform: Conception, Design, and Simulation, «JOURNAL OF MECHANISMS AND ROBOTICS», 2009, 1(3), pp. 031005-1 - 031005-16 [Scientific article]
Conconi M.; Carricato M., A New Assessment of Singularities of Parallel Kinematic Chains, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS», 2009, 25(4), pp. 757 - 770 [Scientific article]