Scientific publications
Erani P.; Cotifava M.; Cristofolini L.; Bignozzi M.C.; Baleani M., Discrimination of PMMA fatigue crack surface, «JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS», 2006, 39, pp. 262 - 262 [Scientific article]
Schileo E.; Taddei F.; Helgason B.; Pallini F.; Cristofolini L.; Viceconti M., Accurate prediction of strain values from subject specific finite element models of long bones, in: Abstracts of the 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, «JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS», 2006, 39, pp. S12 - S12 (atti di: 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich, 29 July 2006 - 04 August 2006) [Abstract]
Gray H.; Zavatsky A.; Cristofolini L.; Gill H., Experimentally validated finite element model of a human tibia, «JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS», 2006, 39, pp. 494 - 494 [Scientific article]
Cristofolini L.; Viceconti M., Comments on "Stair climbing is more critical than walking in pre-clinical assessment of primary stability in cementless THA in vitro", «JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS», 2006, 39, pp. 3085 - 3087 [Comment or similar]
Taddei F.;Cristofolini L.; Martelli S.; Gill H.S.; Viceconti M., Subject-specific finite element models of long bones: An in vitro evaluation of the overall accuracy, «JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS», 2006, 39, pp. 2457 - 2467 [Scientific article]
Baleani M.; Peroni C.; Cristofolini L.; Traina F.; Silbermann M.; Sawaed S.; Viceconti M., Multiaxial miniaturized load cell for measuring forces acting through a sternotomy, «EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES», 2006, 30, pp. 23 - 28 [Scientific article]
Varini E.; Cristofolini L.; Viceconti M.; Traina F., Modular stem damage during implantation due to inventory design stem-holder, «ARTIFICIAL ORGANS», 2006, 30(7), pp. 564 - 567 [Scientific article]
Viceconti M.; Pancanti A.; Varini E.; Traina F.; Cristofolini L., On the biomechanical stability of cementless straight conical hip stems, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. PART H, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE», 2006, 220, pp. 473 - 480 [Scientific article]
Viceconti M.; Brusi G.; Pancanti A.; Cristofolini L., Primary stability of an anatomical cementless hip stem: a statistical analysis, «JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS», 2006, 39, pp. 1169 - 1179 [Scientific article]
Cristofolini L.; Baleani M.; Toni A., Comments on: “Analysis of 16 retrieved proximal cemented femoral stems” Published on JOA 2005;20(1):84-93, «THE JOURNAL OF ARTHROPLASTY», 2006, 21(3), pp. 464 - 465 [Comment or similar]
Varini E.; Vandi M.; Cristofolini L.; Cappello A.; Toni A., Intra-operative tests of cementless hip stem mechanical stability, «JOURNAL OF MECHANICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY», 2006, 6(1), pp. 25 - 34 [Scientific article]
Perilli E; Baruffaldi F; Bisi MC; Cristofolini L; Cappello A., A physical phantom for the calibration of three-dimensional X-ray microtomography examination, «JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPY», 2006, 222, pp. 124 - 134 [Scientific article]
Cristofolini L; Varini E; Pelgreffi I; Cappello A; Toni A., Device to measure intra-operatively the primary stability of cementless hip stems, «MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS», 2006, 28, pp. 475 - 482 [Scientific article]
Rivola, Alessandro; Milandri, M.; Mucchi, E., A Geartrain Model for the Dynamic Analysis of a Motorbike Timing System., in: Proceedings of ISMA 2006, LEUVEN, Katholike Universiteit Luven, 2006, pp. 2689 - 2703 (atti di: ISMA 2006 – International Conference on Modal Analysis Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, (Belgium), 18-20 September 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Dalpiaz, G.; D’Elia, G.; Mucchi, E.; Rivola, Alessandro, Vibro-acoustic measurements for the identification of incoming stall in axial compressor., in: Proceedings of ISMA 2006, LEUVEN, Katholike Universiteit, 2006, pp. 3593 - 3603 (atti di: ISMA 2006 – International Conference on Modal Analysis Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven (Belgium), 18-20 September 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M. Garai, Linee guida per la progettazione, esecuzione e collaudo di sistemi antirumore per infrastrutture di trasporto via terra (relazione ad invito), in: Progettare il risanamento acustico. Politiche – Soluzioni – Documenti, IV Giornata di studio sull’acustica ambientale, FIRENZE, s.n, 2006, pp. 93 - 97 (atti di: Progettare il risanamento acustico. Politiche – Soluzioni – Documenti, IV Giornata di studio sull’acustica ambientale, Firenze, 30 Marzo 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M.Garai; O.Nicolini; A.Peretti; L. Barbaresi, Modelli di simulazione del rumore negli ambienti di lavoro: primo round robin test italiano (relazione ad invito), in: Atti del Convegno dBA 2006 - Volume 1: Rumore e vibrazioni, MODENA, s.n, 2006, 1, pp. 343 - 347 (atti di: dBA 2006 - Rumore, vibrazioni, microclima, campi elettromagnetici, radiazioni ottiche e ionizzanti - Valutazione, prevenzione e bonifica negli ambienti di lavoro, Modena, 12-13 Ottobre 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Bianchini; L. Matrà; C. Saccani, Hot dust separation in waste combustion gas, in: Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plant, REGGIO CALABRIA, Centro editoriale e librario, 2006, pp. 141 - 147 (atti di: X International Conference on Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plant, Tropea, 20-22/09/06) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Bianchini; L. Matrà; C. Saccani, Pilot Pneumatic Conveying Plant for Bulk Solids Characterization, in: Bulkeurope2006, WURZBURG, VOGEL TRANSTECH Publication, 2006, C13, pp. 1 - 9 (atti di: Conference Bulkeurope2006, Barcellona, 16-17/10/2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
C. Saccani, Con la differenziazione il rifiuto è una risorsa, «ARPA RIVISTA», 2006, 5/anno 9, pp. 30 - 31 [Scientific article]