Scientific publications
E. AULISA; S.MANSERVISI; P. SESHAIYER, A non-conforming computational methodology for modeling coupled problems, in: IFNA, Proceedings of the Wold Congress of nonlinear analysis 2004, ORLANDO (FLORIDA), University of Florida,, 2004, 1, pp. 1 - 18 [Contribution to conference proceedings]
R.SCARDOVELLI; E. AULISA; S.MANSERVISI; V. MARRA, Front tracking with an area-preserving marker redistribution algorithm: kinematic and dynamic tests, in: Proceedings of the 4th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineeering (2004), JYVASKYLA, University of Jyvaskyla, Department of Mathematics, 2004(atti di: ECCOMAS 2004 4th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jyvaskyla, Finland, July 24-28, 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M. BEVILACQUA; E. FERRARI; M. GAMBERI; A. PERSONA, STRUMENTI PER IL SUPPORTO AL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT DI REALTÀ INDUSTRIALI IN REGIME DI “PRODUCE TO DEMAND, in: ANIMP, Atti del 31° Convegno Nazionale ANIMP, MILANO, ANIMP, 2004(atti di: 31° Convegno Nazionale di Ingegneria ed Impiantistica Nazionale, Monastier di Treviso (TV), 14-15 Ottobre 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Liverani; S. Morigi, Efficient 6DOF tools for Free-form Surface Modelling, «THE VISUAL COMPUTER», 2004, 20, pp. 554 - 564 [Scientific article]
Fabbri G.; Lorenzini M.; Salvigni S., A Study on Industrial Heat Sinks for Power Electronics., in: Atti XXII Congresso Nazionale sulla Trasmissione del Calore, Genova, GENOVA, Studio64 srl Edizioni, 2004, pp. 365 - 370 (atti di: XXII Congresso Nazionale U:I.T. sulla Trasmissione del Calore, Genova, Giugno 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. Fabbri; R. Rossi, Large eddy simulation of turbulent heat transfer in fully developed flow over a wavy wall, in: Atti del XXII congresso nazionale sulla trasmissione del calore, GENOVA, s.n, 2004, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: XXII Congresso Nazionale UIT, Genova, 21-23 Giugno 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
F. Giulietti; G. Mengali, Dynamics and Control of Different Aircraft Formation Structures, «THE AERONAUTICAL JOURNAL», 2004, 108, pp. 117 - 124 [Scientific article]
G. Mengali; F. Giulietti, Unified Algebraic Approach to Approximation of Lateral-Directional Modes and Departure Criteria, «JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS», 2004, 27, pp. 724 - 728 [Scientific article]
M. Innocenti; L. Pollini; F. Giulietti, Management of Communication Failures in Formation Flight, «JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE COMPUTING, INFORMATION, AND COMMUNICATION», 2004, 1, pp. 19 - 35 [Scientific article]
Waide V.; Cristofolini L.; Stolk J.; Verdonschot N.; Boogaard G.J.; Toni A., Modelling the fibrous tissue layer in cemented hip replacements: experimental and finite element methods, «JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS», 2004, 37, pp. 13 - 26 [Scientific article]
Varini E.; Cristofolini L.; Toni A., Cementless hip stem primary stability: an intra-operative device, «JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY-BRITISH VOLUME», 2004, 87, pp. 61 - 62 [Scientific article]
Waide V.; Cristofolini L.; Toni A., An experimental analogue to model the fibrous tissue layer in cemented hip replacements, «JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH. PART B, APPLIED BIOMATERIALS.», 2004, 69(2), pp. 232 - 240 [Scientific article]
Viceconti M.; Pancanti A.; Dotti M.; Traina F.; Cristofolini L., Effect of the initial implant fitting on the predicted secondary stability of a cementless stem, «MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING», 2004, 42, pp. 222 - 229 [Scientific article]
Erani P.; Savigni P.; Cristofolini L.; Viceconti M., Cement damage around hip stems: an ex-vivo study on retrieved cement mantles, in: BAAIJENS,J., CD of the Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics, EINDHOVEN, TUE, 2004, pp. 230 - 231 [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Varini E.; Cristofolini L.; Cappello A.; Toni A., Primary stability of cementless hip stems: intraoperatively recorded micromotions, in: BAAIJENS,J., Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics, EINDHOVEN, TUE, 2004, pp. 229 - 230 [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Cristofolini L.; Waide V.; Toni A., Load transfer in cemented total hip replacement in vitro: bone and cement strains under simulated tissue adaptations, in: BAAIJENS,J., Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics, EINDHOVEN, TUE, 2004, pp. 596 - 597 [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Cristofolini L.; Savigni P.; Erani P.; Viceconti M., Fatigue damage in cemented hip prostheses, in: A. FREDDI C. FRAGASSA M. VILLANUEVA G. MINAK M.T.CASCELLA EDS., Experimental Mechanics, BOLOGNA, University of Bologna, 2004, pp. 75 - 76 [Chapter or essay]
Cristofolini L.; Savigni P.; Erani P.; Viceconti M., Fatigue damage of cemented hip prostheses, in: FREDDI A., 3rd Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Porretta 12-15 May, BOLOGNA, DIEM, UniBo, 2004, pp. 75 - 77 [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Cristofolini L.; Savigni P.; Erani P.; Viceconti M., Fatigue damage in cemented hip prostheses, in: PAPPALETTERE C., 12th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Bari 29 August - 2 September (CD), s.l, s.n, 2004, pp. 176 - 176 [Abstract]
Baleani M.; Peroni C.; Cristofolini L.; Viceconti M.; Silbermann M.; Sawaed S., A multi-axial miniaturised load cell, in: PAPPALETTERE C., 12th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Bari 29 August - 2 September (CD), s.l, s.n, 2004, pp. 312 - 312 [Abstract]