Scientific publications
C.CHIAVARI; C.DINOI; C.MARTINI; G.POLI; D.PRANDSTRALLER, Conservation of organ pipes: influence of microstructure and composition on corrosion of lead exposed to organic acid vapours, in: Proceedings of EUROCORR 2004 (European Corrosion Conference), PARIS, European Federation of Corrosion, 2004(atti di: EUROCORR 2004 (European Corrosion Conference), Nice, France, 12-16/09/2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
E.LANZONI; C.MARTINI; D.PRANDSTRALLER, ACD Ni-B coatings for improving tribological properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloys, in: Proceedings of the 4th AIMETA International Tribology Conference, ROMA, Aracne Editrice, 2004, pp. 127 - 136 (atti di: 4th AIMETA International Tribology Conference, Rome, Italy, 14-17/09/2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
V. Colombo; D. Bernardi; E. Ghedini; A. Mentrelli; T. Trombetti, Three dimensional modelling of inductively coupled plasma torches: comparison with experiments and applications, in: AUTORI VARI, Sbornik Abstractu 21. Symposia o fyzice a technologii plazmatu, PRAGA, Organizacni vybor symposia ve spolupraci s katedro, 2004, pp. 98 - 98 (atti di: 21st Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology (SPPT-21), Praga, Czech Republic, 14 -17 giugno 2004) [Abstract]
D. Bernardi; V. Colombo; E. Ghedini; A. Mentrelli, Time Dependent 3-D Modelling of Inductively Coupled Plasma Torches, in: AUTORI VARI, Book 1 - Plenary and Parallel Sessions, s.l, s.n, 2004(atti di: 16th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-16), Venice, Italy, 28 june - 2 july 2004) [Abstract]
V. Colombo; D. Bernardi; E. Ghedini; A. Mentrelli; T. Trombetti, 3-D numerical analysis of powder injection in various ICPT configurations, in: AUTORI VARI, Book 1 - Plenary and Parallel Sessions, s.l, s.n, 2004(atti di: 16th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-16), Venice, Italy, 28 june - 2 july 2004) [Abstract]
D. Bernardi; V. Colombo; E. Ghedini; A. Mentrelli; T. Trombetti, 3-D Modelling of Inductively Coupled Plasma Torches With Turbulence Effects and Particle Injection, in: VII Incontro Utilizzatori FLUENT, MILANO, s.n, 2004(atti di: VII Incontro Utilizzatori FLUENT (FLUENT UGM VII), Milano, Italy, 5 ottobre 2004) [Abstract]
N. CAVINA; D. MORO; G. CIPOLLA; F. MARCIGLIANO; L. POGGIO, A Methodology for increasing the Signal to Noise Ratio for the Misfire Detection at High Speed in a High Performance Engine, in: IFAC Proceedings Volumes, STUTTGART, IFAC, 2004, 37, pp. 379 - 384 (atti di: IFAC International – Symposium on “Advances in Automotive Control”, Salerno, 19-23 Aprile 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
C. Chiavari; C. Martini; G. Poli; D. Prandstraller, Alterazione di canne d'organo a base di stagno: corrosione o peste dello stagno?, in: Risassunti delle Comunicazioni - III Congresso Nazionale AIAr, s.l, AiAr, 2004, pp. 171 - 171 (atti di: III Congresso Nazionale AIAr (Associazione Italiana di Archeometria), Bressanone, Italia, 11-12 febbraio 2004) [Abstract]
V. Colombo; E. Ghedini; A. Mentrelli; T. Trombetti, 3-D Modeling of Thermal Plasmas (RF and Transferred Arc) for the Design of Sources and Industrial Processes, in: ABSTRACTS The 2nd International School of Advanced Plasma Technology, s.l, s.n, 2004, pp. 21 - 22 (atti di: 2nd International School of Advanced Plasma Technology, Varenna, Italy, 27 September - 1 October 2004) [Abstract]
A. Talamelli; H.P. Alfredsson, A "Blue Print" of CICLoPE, in: Proceedings of Second International Workshop on Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows, TRIESTE, s.n, 2004(atti di: Second International Workshop on Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) TRIESTE, November 2-5, 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
VERTECHY R.; PARENTI CASTELLI V., Real-time direct position analysis of parallel spherical wrists by using extra sensor data, in: Proceedings of ASME DETC 2004, 28th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, ASME, 2004, pp. 1 - 9 (atti di: ASME DETC 2004, 28th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, 28 Settembre-2 Ottobre 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
P. Morelli, Etude pour le stockage des déchets graphite, CADARACHE, CEA, 2004, pp. 63 . [Research monograph]
Leardini A.; Benedetti M.G.; Taddei F.; Astolfi L.; Viceconti M.; Manfrini M., Advanced motion analysis for skeletal reconstructions, «GAIT & POSTURE», 2004, 20, pp. suppl - 1 [Scientific article]
V. Molinari; D. Mostacci; F. Teodori, Analysis of the slowing down of high energy proton shots through matter via a Montecarlo simulation of the Fokker-Planck equation, in: Shock compression of condensed matter - 2003, MELVILLE, NY, American Institute of Physics, 2004, pp. 1466 - 1469 (atti di: Shock compression of condensed matter - 2003, Portland, Oregon, USA, 20-25 luglio 2003) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Bianchini; C. Saccani, Trattamento a caldo dei fumi di combustione di RSU, «GESTIONE ENERGIA», 2004, 4, pp. 22 - 27 [Scientific article]
R. GAMBERINI; A. GRASSI; C. MORA; B. RIMINI, Applicazione della lean-agile manufacturing ad una PMI del settore chimico delle vernici, in: Atti delle sessioni tecnico-scientifiche, MILANO, ANIMP Servizi Srl, 2004(atti di: XXXI convegno nazionale ANIMP OICE UAMI, Monastier di Treviso (TV), 14-15 Ottobre 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
R. GAMBERINI; A. GRASSI; C. MORA; B. RIMINI, Studio di fattibilità di un impianto di cogenerazione alimentato a gas naturale per un’azienda ospedaliera, in: Atti delle sessioni tecnico-scientifiche del XXXI convegno nazionale ANIMP OICE UAMI, MILANO, ANIMP Servizi Srl, 2004(atti di: XXXI convegno nazionale ingegneria e impiantistica italaina ANIMP OICE UAMI, Monastier di Treviso, 14-15 Ottobre 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Donati, Use of FEM in Optimizing the Strength of Extrusion Welds and Surface Quality of Aluminum Profiles for Automotive Structures, «LIGHT METAL AGE», 2004, 62, pp. 12 - 17 [Scientific article]
L. Donati; L. Tomesani, Determining the quality of longitudinal welds in aluminum extruded profiles, in: Proceedings of 6th AITEM conference, GAETA, L. Carrino, 2004, pp. 49 - 50 (atti di: 6th AITEM Conference, Gaeta, Italia, 3-5 Settembre 2003) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A.Casagrande ; C.Chiavari; G.Di Leonardo; P. La Piscopia; C.Martini; G.Morigi L.Morigi; F.Ospitali; D.Prandstraller, Indagine su un vaso decorativo ottocentesco in zinco ramato, in: null, 2004, 1(atti di: a carattere nazionale, Milano, 17-19 Novembre 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]