Scientific publications
Garai, M.; Guidorzi, P., European methodology for testing the airborne sound insulation characteristics of noise barriers in situ: Experimental verification and comparison with laboratory data, «THE JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA», 2000, 108, pp. 1054 - 1067 [Scientific article]
Dalpiaz G.; Rivola A., A Non-linear elastodynamic model of a desmodromic valve train, «MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY», 2000, 35, pp. 1551 - 1562 [Scientific article]
Dalpiaz G.; Rivola A.; Rubini R., Effectiveness and sensitivity of vibration processing techniques for local fault detection in gears, «MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING», 2000, 14, pp. 387 - 412 [Scientific article]
Tortora P.; Oshman Y., Spacecraft angular rate estimation from magnetometer data only, in: Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, 2000, pp. 304 - 310 (atti di: Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2000, Dever, CO, usa, 2000) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Righini, R; Fragassa, C; Minak, G, Scientific validation of a new system reliability analysis code by means of an existing software, in: Proceedings of PSAM V, C P O BOX 235, TOKYO, 100-8691, JAPAN, UNIVERSAL ACADEMY PRESS, INC, «FRONTIERS SCIENCE SERIES», 2000, pp. 2645 - 2652 (atti di: PSAM V, Giappone, 2000) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Righini, R; Bottazzi, A; Fichera, B; Fragassa, C; Minak, G; Perasso, L, A Monte Carlo software method for the maintenance improvement, in: Proceedings of PSAM IV, SCHIPHOLWEG 107C, PO BOX 447, 2316 XC LEIDEN, NETHERLANDS, A A BALKEMA PUBLISHERS, 2000, pp. 1555 - 1561 (atti di: Psam IV, New York, USA, 2000) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Righini, R; Fragassa, C; Minak, G, An innovative processing method for the direct bathtub calculation, in: Proceedings of PSAM V, C P O BOX 235, TOKYO, 100-8691, JAPAN, UNIVERSAL ACADEMY PRESS, INC, «FRONTIERS SCIENCE SERIES», 2000, pp. 2665 - 2672 (atti di: PSAM V, Giappone, 2000) [Contribution to conference proceedings]