

What is the housing condition of students? Help us understand by filling out the questionnaire

Housing is a growing obstacle to education. The survey will help understand it, engage stakeholders, and push for concrete solutions.

Innovation and Research

Academy for Women Entrepreneurs Italy - Deadline: 3 February

Join the free program designed to support women in creating entrepreneurial ventures through training, mentoring, business partnerships, and collaboration opportunities with companies.

Innovation and Research

University Policy for an ethical and responsible use of generative Artificial Intelligence

The University embraces AI as an opportunity to innovate in teaching and research, respecting ethics, quality, integrity, and the environment, while promoting its responsible use in the service of

Do you have an innovative idea or startup?

The Call for Startups 2024/25 is open until 31 January. It offers you the opportunity to join the university program that will guide and support you in growing your idea. Apply for the call.

Meetings and Initiatives

Alma Mater Fest: the festival dedicated to the student community

From 21 to 23 October, three days of meetings, debates, music, guidance activities, and guided tours in Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna, and Rimini. Take part in the events.

TPER subsidies: annual passes at a further reduced fare with the Alma Mater call for applications. Deadline 31 October.

Participate in the call for applications to purchase an annual public transportation pass for the Bologna area with a €100 discount off the reduced fare.

Automobili Lamborghini meets Unibo

Meetings and Initiatives

Automobili Lamborghini meets Unibo

Attend the Orientation and Networking event with Automobili Lamborghini on 15 October. You will have the chance to meet their professionals in a space dedicated to discussion and exchange.

Meetings and Initiatives

Career guidance events

In October, take part in the meetings: Unibo Alumni will share their stories to guide you in discovering the world of work and inspire you in building your career path.

0n 27 September, join us at the European Researchers' Night

Meetings and Initiatives

0n 27 September, join us at the European Researchers' Night

An extraordinary evening is on the way! European Researchers' Night in Bologna and in Romagna Campuses will be enlivened by experiments, demonstrations, meetings, exhibitions, and much more. Be inspir

Meetings and Initiatives

AI Video Contest - participate by 20 September

Create a short video on the topic of artificial intelligence or made using AI. The winning videos will receive cash prizes and will be screened during AlmaMater Fest 2024.

Waiting for European Researchers' Night 2024: guided tours and AperiScienza

Innovation and Research

Waiting for European Researchers' Night 2024: guided tours and AperiScienza

From 28 August to 27 September, in the run-up to the night dedicated to research, the city comes alive with numerous initiatives to promote science and culture. Discover the programme.

Innovation and Research

Rent subsidies

To obtain the grant, read the announcement and check the participation requirements. Deadline: 6 September.